WORCESTER’S famous peregrine falcons have been enjoying sweeping views over the city.

As these stunning photographs show, at least one of the magnificent birds is still paying visits to St Andrew’s Spire in Deansway.

This female, known as Bobbin, was one of three chicks born at the spire last year. She has been returning to the top east-facing window to perch and feed. On Wednesday, September 1, she was captured on camera just after a hunt and then again at sunset.

Chris Dobbs, of Worcester City Council, said the camera overlooking the perch had been repositioned so Bobbin could be properly monitored through the winter months.

He said: “She has been coming back to the top window quite regularly and the camera was moved so we can see her properly. It’s a very wide angle and it gives us a particularly nice view over the city.

“It’s all part of the research we’re doing and maybe, hopefully, this bird might breed here in future years.”

Although Bobbin still visits the spire, her territory probably stretches well beyond Worcester.

Mr Dobbs said: “She can be gone for weeks on end.

“The camera means that we can see her when she does come back.”

A total of eight cameras have now been installed at the spire and new photographs are regularly uploaded to a dedicated peregrine website.

See worcester.gov.uk/peregrine for more information.