THE death certificate of a sex offender who was due to face fraud charges was produced at court to prove he was dead.

Convicted sex offender Simon Webb was due to face 10 charges of fraud by false representation at Worcester Crown Court yesterday.

We reported how Webb, aged 43, of Salt Boxes, Pinvin, near Pershore, died in prison of a heart attack on Saturday, September 4.

Webb was sentenced to five years in prison at Coventry Crown Court in June after he admitted making three teenage girls – aged 16, 15 and 14 – perform sex acts on each other while he took photographs on his mobile phone.

An inquest has already been opened and adjourned into the death of Webb, who was taken ill at HMP Wymott in Lancashire.

At court yesterday, Charles Hardy, who would have prosecuted Webb, said: “Mr Webb isn’t here. Mr Webb was charged with various fraud offences and remanded in custody. Whilst in custody he fell ill and was taken to Chorley and South Ribble General Hospital where, on September 4, he died.”

Recorder David Jones directed, having seen the interim death certificate, that proceedings against Webb should be discontinued, the indictment ‘declared of no legal effect and the files be closed’.

Mr Jones told the court: “I’m quite satisfied, having seen the evidence, the interim death certificate in respect of the unfortunate Webb, that he has died.”

Jason Patel, defending, appeared on behalf of Webb.