THE meeting began with the normal business and we talked about the bursary day in 2011. We are hopefully going to have a talk on Shakespeare’s Stratford and a fish and chip lunch on April 16.

Then later in the year, we will enjoy a guided walk around Stratford-upon-Avon.

We were reminded about the fund-raiser for the Worcester breast cancer unit, which is taking place on Saturday, October 23, at the village hall. We need cakes and books etc to fill our stalls.

The speaker, George Lock-Mills, told us about life as a prison officer working in Long Lartin Prison in Evesham.

George started with some statistics and figures about the prison system.

This was a very interesting and informative talk we learned how hard it is in prison. Sometimes, the public think it’s a bit of a holiday for prisoners when we hear how they have TVs and other luxuries.

However, George informed us that all the privileges have to be earned. We heard what happens after a person is convicted and the procedure that is followed to ensure no smuggling takes place, which was very graphic. George’s talk was a very entertaining one and was funny at times.

The next meeting is on Thursday, October 7, and is teabag folding, please feel free to join us.