THIS is the scene captured on CCTV when a gang of homeless people lit bonfires and caused damage at the back of shops in Worcester city centre.

Furious shop workers in Mealcheapen Street, Worcester, are increasingly angry about the gang of up to 10 people who drink, fight, defecate and set fire to rubbish at the back of their premises.

Shopkeepers fear that their premises will go up in flames if nothing is done.

Homeless men and women have been seen to relieve themselves up against the back doors and walls of shops in the area just off The Trinity and the gang are said to be regularly drunk or high on drugs, leaving staff too afraid to lock up their shops alone.

"It's been going on for a few months now," said Marie Cockill, manager of Rosemary's Health Foods.

"In June we found needles but last night they made a big bonfire and had some sort of barbecue - the mess is the worst it's been for a while and we're just sick of it."

At the scene were remains of burned books, bread, burgers, a discarded suitcase and empty bottles of beer - despite it being an alcohol-free zone.

The gang are said to break into locked bins, especially those from Acorns charity shop, and use the rubbish as fuel for fires.

Sarah Evans, senior sales assistant of stationery shop Osbournes, said: "There's a massive risk of the fires getting out of control. If it did, this whole place would just go up in flames - something has got to be done."

Shopkeepers said it was not their duty to clear up the mess. Environmental health manager for Worcester City Council, Martin Gillies, said: "I can understand they don't want to clear up this mess but if it's private land the responsibility lies with the owners, not the council."

Manager of Brampton Pie Company, Hilda Whitehouse, said: "The police only come around here once in a blue moon for a few days and then it all starts again - it's basically become a no go area."

Worcester Police said they had received and investigated three incidents of drink-related anti-social behaviour in the Mealcheapen Street area, involving what was believed to be homeless people, since the beginning of June.