BONNETS and bustles replaced school uniform for Worcester youngsters who were learning about Victorians.

Pupils from St Clement’s Primary School were told how people would have lived during the 19th century era from historical interpreter David Cadle.

The eight and nine-yearolds from the Henwick Road school were also able to hold artefacts he had brought with him.

Year four teacher Carrie Langdon said: “The children tried on Victorian clothes and learned about what it was like in Victorian schools. It was fantastic.

“David Cadle had a huge map of the Victorian empire and he started explaining to the children about the Victorian period.

“He talked to the children about what life was like in Victorian times and he had the strap and the belt. You could see the children were so shocked by it.”

The youngsters were able to see Victorian toys including an original train set.

Miss Langdon said: “We set up the classroom as it would have been in Victorian times and they all sat in rows.

“They quite liked it.

“It was a really good day.”

PICTURE CAPTION 1: BYGONE ERA: Jasmine Taylor, aged eight, and Liam Coombes, eight, try on Victorian era costumes at St Clement’s Primary School. Picture: Paul Jackson. BUY THIS PHOTO: 06202401

PICTURE CAPTION 2: CHIMNEY SWEEP: Aaron Openshaw, aged seven, looks just the part at the school’s Victorian day.

Picture by Paul Jackson. BUY THIS PHOTO: worcesternews /sales.