PLANS to build up to 115 homes on the city’s outskirts have been unveiled.

Bellway Homes has put forward plans for the houses near Firs Farm off the A449 Ombersley Road, to the north of Green Lane.

The plans are separate to those also unveiled last year by Cala Homes which wants to build up to 250 homes on the neighbouring site.

At the moment, the Bellway site is used as farmland and lies outside the green belt.

The developer wants to build a mix of two to five-bedroom homes on the 10-acre plot, with roughly a third available as affordable homes.

There would be a park, according to the outline plans, with the main road access to the new estate off Ombersley Road just to the north of the Green Lane junction, with linking road access to the prospective neighbouring development.

A public consultation held by the developers over two days found most people were against the plans. Almost 200 people attended and 40 filled in comment sheets, of which 81 per cent felt the development was unacceptable as a matter of principle.

The application is open for consultation on the Wychavon District Council website with plans available online or at the Pershore Civic Centre quoting reference W/11/00151/PN.