FUNDING for the development of a kick-about area in Ronkswood, Worcester, has been held up because of an issue surrounding the brightness of a proposed floodlight.

Barclays Bank is close to granting £50,000 through its Space for Sports scheme to pay for an up-grade of the play area at the back of the Ronkswood Community Centre, off Canterbury Road.

However, it says that the proposed floodlight is not sufficient to illuminate the five-a-side pitch particularly when it is being used by youngsters in the evenings.

Presently the proposed light would be 56 lux. A lux is the unit of measure for the intensity of light. Ten lux is the equivalent of the light from a candle up to one foot away while 400 lux is a brightly lit office.

Under the plans for the play area, the current five-a-side football pitch will have its playing surface enlarged, there will also a mesh fence placed around it, a new seating area as well as a path that will link the pitch with the community centre.

The new floodlight would only be illuminated until 9pm each night. The plan for the play area was given the go-ahead in June.