THE Tories need to be very careful with regard to their policies for the provision of new homes in Worcestershire.

Many people – and don’t kid yourself that this applies only to the chocolate box cottage owner – were rightly extremely worried about the last government’s ‘topdown’ approach.

I live in a suburban street with no green space, inviting vista or treelined hill in the distance. Yet my heart sank a few years ago when I saw aggressive class warriors such as John Prescott salivating at the thought of concreting over the socalled Tory shires.

For this is my green and pleasant land, too. I may not actually live in it but that doesn’t mean I don’t want others to enjoy the soothing ambience of rural England.

In stark contrast to such laissez faire we have the fading but disagreeable memory of dinosaur New Labour. This party’s motivation was plainly driven by spite and envy. The now laughably titled ‘Lord’ Prescott was – and remains – the very embodiment of this grossness, a human bulldozer who once itched to start grubbing up field and hedgerow.

This was old-style socialism at its very worst, resentful of anyone who had either got lucky in life or inherited wealth. The fabulous riches of so many of its modern-day adherents – ironically dripping with the very privileges they still scorn and deride – only shows what a bitter and sick joke they have now become.

However, the threat to the British countryside now comes in another form. This time, it is a powerful building lobby that has exerted what appears to be massive pressure on the coalition government. But be warned. My guess is that the articulate, villagedwelling middle classes will fight the Conservatives tooth and nail if their blessed plots come under threat.

Bevere, near Worcester, is a prime example of this and there have already been sounds of unease emanating from this green corner of Worcestershire. So Tories beware… and think twice about biting the hands that feed you.