FOR mile after mile, the coach travels across the German plain. It is an expanse so studded by wind turbines that if the Russians wanted to roll their tanks over to the west today, they’d have a real problem on their hands.

It’s a prairie landscape that seems to go on forever. This is where the Third World War would have started.

The Germans have embraced these monstrosities with a vengeance. I count up to 40 all clustered together, half of them not working. Germany is faithfully following EU orders on ‘renewables’.

Make no mistake. I’m looking at a scenario that will soon be the norm in Britain if the Green Party and their friends in big business get their way.

Wind turbines are a 21st century folly that degrade our environment and will never satisfy our energy needs.

From Gotha to Leipzig, Hannover to Dortmund, the future unfolds before my eyes. It’s not a pretty picture and I can only pray for a latter-day Don Quixote to take a tilt at these grotesque windmills and save our countryside.

*THE food in Germany is all meat, meat… and more meat.

But the children eat the same as their parents and so a diet of pork and beef is probably a good thing on the whole.

Not once did I see a child tucking into chicken nuggets or some other fast-food chunk of junk.

Yes, the Germans love their food and lots of it. It’s a wonder they didn’t win the war.