A DRIVER caught up in a terrifying car crash on a Worcestershire bypass says the road needs a safety overhaul.

Tracey Davies’ van was left “with nowhere to go” after the car in front clipped a parked truck and lost control as she drove to work on the A46 bypass at Evesham at 6pm on Wednesday, January 25.

The smash could have been far worse if she had been driving any closer, and she was saved from critical injury by her seatbelt and airbag.

But Mrs Davies said the bypass itself is at least partly to blame for what happened, saying road markings are unclear for drivers.

She says the road – which is a single-lane single carriageway trunk road – is dangerous.

“It’s not for me to say who was to blame but what I saw was the car in front of me move right as if to over-take,” she said.

“The car then moved back to the left because of the line of chevron markings painted in the centre of the road. Then he hit the back of the truck and I was left with nowhere to go.

“Either I went into the back of the lorry, or the car – and I went into the car.”

Mrs Davies, who runs mobile hairdressing business Phoenix Hair and Beauty, makes regular trips along the road and said markings should be made clearer to discourage unsafe overtaking.

In the past she says she has seen cars overtake driving across the chevron-markings, as they approach the summit of the De Montfort bridge.

“The problem is the large width of the road, which just encourages overtaking, and it is so risky I just do not know why they have left it like that,” said the 40-year-old, of Fleece Road in Broadway.

The mother-of-two scrambled from her wrecked Renault van, and – badly dazed – only realised she was bleeding from a deep head gash when she felt the blood on her face.

“I keep peroxide inside to dye hair, but it’s flammable so I got out quick,” she said.

“A lovely lady in the car behind stopped and put a blanket around me, and another woman helped me.”

She was taken to hospital and is back home but still suffering from whiplash.

Worcestershire County Council said there have been nine bad accidents on the road in the past two years, not including Mrs Davies’ crash.

The Highways Agency, which has responsibility for the road, could not comment at the time of going to press.

• What do you think about the road? Tell us in the comment box below.