SIR – Re the photo and letter ‘We had great days in the motorbike gang’ in the Worcester News (March 22).

I also went into the Steps coffee bar in Worcester as a biker and knew quite a few of the girls and lads in the picture above.

In the first row on the far right hand side was my friend and work colleague Marie.

In fact, it was Marie who introduced me to the gang because when we walked to work together one of the gang who was driving to work saw us most mornings and asked her to get a date with me.

I accepted and I had many happy years in their company. They were a really great bunch of people and the picture brought back so many happy memories of my time with the Steps crowd.

I think on the left hand side of the photo the lad with the helmet looking to the side is Basher Briggs.

I must say the Steps staff made the best mug of hot chocolate I have ever tasted.

It was great on a cold evening when you had been travelling pillion on the bike.

Those were the days.
