POLICE are seriously concerned for the welfare of a missing pensioner whose car was found in Worcester after he went missing on Easter Sunday.

Robert Allen, aged 80, was last seen by his daughter at about noon at his home in Ash Tree Road, Redditch.

Arrangements were made to collect him from there yesterday afternoon but when there was no trace of him or his car, police were contacted.

Mr Allen's black Kia Picanto was driven into Worcester between 4am and 5am yesterday and during the afternoon it was found by officers in Grandstand Road with the keys still in the ignition.

Dog handlers and the force helicopter have been involved in searches of that area, including the river banks which are still continuing.

Mr Allen is white, about 5ft 6inches in height and of medium build with thinning, grey hair and a moustache. He normally wears glasses and is believed to have been wearing a fawn coloured jacket.

PC Gemma Pawlik of West Mercia Police said: "Mr Allen has been depressed of late but he has not gone missing before so this is out-of-character.

“We are obviously very concerned for his welfare, as is his family, and we would appeal to anyone who has seen him or knows anything at all that could help us to get in touch without delay."

Anyone with information should contact PC Pawlik on 0300 333 3000, quoting incident reference 256-N-090412.