MOVIE star Alfred Molina traded the Hollywood Hills for the Malverns to open a new dementia care home.

The actor, who has appeared in films including Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Da Vinci Code and Spiderman 2, toured the Friends of the Elderly’s new £3.2 million, 24-bed Bradbury Court development in Graham Road.

The home has been built as the West Midlands is predicted to see a large rise in the number of people with dementia over the next generation.

The 58-year-old’s support of the friends group began when his daughter became PA to chief executive Richard Furze.

Talking to your Worcester News after planting a commemorative tree at the centre, he said: “Getting old is the one thing uniting us all as human beings, and places like this are at the heart of what should be a culture of caring for people who have made their contribution to society and now need our help.

“You look after people who have looked after you.”

He said he found Bradbury Court “full of life and joy”.

Home manager Charlotte Potter said: “Our focus is the specific needs of individual residents, letting them carry on doing the things they enjoy in a safe and comfortable environment.

“Many people in residential care feel disempowered and lose their sense of purpose and identity. We want to make sure this doesn’t happen.”