THREE Worcester primary school pupils have excelled in their grade one violin exams, achieving some of the best marks in the country.

Warndon Primary School pupils Lucy Evans, aged 10, Sophie Key, 10, and James Finch, 11, all took their grade one exams at the Elgar School of Music in Deansway, Worcester.

Assistant head Lynda Morgan said there are 25 violinists at the school and it is becoming a more and more popular activity.

After-school clubs are being set up to encourage youngsters to carry on playing the violin.

“They did amazingly well, they had exceptionally high marks. Our violin teacher Mrs Craigan is trying to maintain pupils’ involvement with the violin even after they leave the school. It seems quite sad that they get to these levels and then drop it when they get to secondary school.

“Having this very positive outcome from these exams is helping to promote that.”