HUNDREDS of people prepared themselves against the bad weather as they discovered the best that the “traditional countryside” has to offer at the Pershore Plum Festival .

Families and friends explored Plum Alley yesterday to sample everything from plum paté to wine, while supporting local businesses.

Steve Knight, Pershore Market Town Partnership manager, said the wet weather over the summer had given them a “massive bonus” by bringing out the biggest variety of plums they had ever had on the day. He said people were also willing to brave the bad weather as the event is so unique. Mr Knight said: “It looks like it’s going really well, the weather hasn’t deterred people. They seem to have come prepared and come out regardless. There’s lots of new things and lots going on for everybody.

“It’s really encouraging.”

Stallholder Lucy Taylor from Capers deli, Pershore, said it was their first time at the festival after recently being taken over and it was good to see so many people supporting local businesses.

She said: “It’s going absolutely brilliant so far.

“It’s nice to see Pershore support local businesses, people are buying as well as sampling.

“Everyone seems to be in really high spirits.”

Geoff and Sylvia Alford of Wolverhampton had visited Pershore before but said it was their first time to the plum festival. Mr Alford said: “It’s really, really good and very well organised.

“The stalls are fantastic. Everyone is in a happy mood.”

Matt Silvester, of Worcester, was visiting the festival for the third year with his family.

He said: “It’s a chance to come along and enjoy a bit of the traditional British countryside.

“It’s always been good fun.”

Elsewhere, the classic car show was the biggest it had ever been, with more than 600 cars on display.