We make no apology for returning to the same subject we raised in yesterday’s editorial comment – the grave ‘rant’ of Allah Ditta .

For overnight the story has moved on apace and seems to us to raise different issues.

Yesterday Mr Ditta stood accused of making what we consider to be an outrageous comment to a grieving family – that he would dig up their father’s body over an allegedly unpaid bill.

But since then more questions have come to light that we believe urgently need answering – either by Mr Ditta himself or by some other body ready to investigate and get to the bottom of what is going on.

Assuming you’ve read our front page story, then the questions should be clear.

  • Yesterday there were questions raised by the family about what exactly was the work that they were being invoiced for?
  • But now there are other questions.
  • Who or what are Worcester Muslim Funeral Services?
  • Mr Ditta says it is neither a charity nor a company. Then what is it?
  • Why is no VAT charged? Is such work exempt from VAT?
  • How does the invoice fit the comments of the Worcester Muslim Welfare Association, who say they do not invoice for burial work?
  • Why does the WMWA say they have no idea what the invoice is for?
  • Who is the man named at the bottom of the invoice and what does he have to do with this whole affair?

Questions that Mr Ditta has not adequately answered for us.

Questions that will not go away.