VOLUNTEERS are being sought to help with an archaeological dig that could uncover Roman remains at Hanley Castle, near Malvern.

The community dig is being organised by the Hanleys Village Society, which has received a Heritage Lottery Fund grant for the project.

The aim is to excavate a field north of Quay Lane, Hanley Castle, leading down to the river Severn, during the end of September and the start of October.

A geophysical survey has revealed several interesting features that could date from Roman times, including ditched enclosures and the outline of what might have been a fortified farmhouse.

Seven trenches will be dug under the supervision of the Worcestershire Archaeology Service in the hope of discovering further evidence of Roman occupation.

Volunteers are needed to work on this project, preferably for at least three days, from September 24 to October 6.

No experience is needed as training and equipment will be provided.

Malcolm Fare, of the village society, said: “There is some evidence that the Romans used Hanley quay as a staging post for goods brought up the river Severn. It should be an interesting dig.”

The WI will provide refreshments mid-morning and mid-afternoon, and on the two Saturdays the most interesting finds will be displayed.

Anyone interested in helping should contact Malcolm Fare on 01684 311197 or malcolm.fare@crossword.demon.co.uk