TECHNOLOGY company Postcode Anywhere has hailed its recent Code Club volunteer recruitment event a resounding success.

The club is a nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged nine to 11.

The aim is to give every child in the UK the chance to learn code with a code club in 25 per cent of the UK’s primary schools by the end of 2014.

It needs to recruit volunteers with experience in computer programming to act as mentors in the classroom.

Postcode Anywhere’s event at its headquarters in Diglis, Worcester, was about empowering computing professionals as well as endeavouring to elevate the subject of computer science on the school curriculum.

Postcode Anywhere’s chief executive Guy Mucklow has been keen to support Code Club and his company has sponsored several key events nationwide.

He said: “The way computer studies have been traditionally taught in schools has been a subject for criticism for some time by business leaders representing the UK’s largest technology companies.

“Basically it has had more of a focus on Microsoft Word and Excel as opposed to elementary computer science.

“Code Club is revolutionary in as much it teaches primary school children how to create basic computer code.

“As an employer it is important that we nurture and encourage the next generation of computer scientists as it’s critical that the UK remains at the forefront of developing technology.”

Fifty delegates attended, including potential volunteers as well as key teaching professionals representing schools in Herefordshire, Worcestershire and other parts of the Midlands.