OUR March meeting made a good start to the local and national celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

President Angela opened proceedings, expressing delight at the sight of Wychbold Community Hall bedecked with streamers and flags.

Phil Pugh and John Brown had helped members set up tables and decorate the room.

As we arrived most were wearing hand-made crowns – and some 1950s outfits.

One was a sight to behold, even wearing a turban and with her hair rollers peeping out from underneath.

Our president attended to the regular WI business before introducing Jane Baker, members’ president for the day, who welcomed us to the first diamond jubilee street party of 2012.

Secretary Annie Brown read minutes of last year’s members’ meeting and then we were let loose devouring the excellent spread before us including jellies, blancmange, sandwiches and cakes.

After a cup of tea and slice of a ‘crown cake’ we were entertained by three lovely ladies beautifully attired in evening gowns.

Annie, accompanied by Sue Pugh and Peg Poultney, read poems and sang songs from the 50s.

The rest of us were delighted to join in until, sadly it was over all too soon and we stood to render the National Anthem.

Our next meeting is on Monday, April 16, at 2pm at Wychbold Community Hall, when we will hear Tales Of Murder, Mystery And Mayhem in Worcestershire from Barbara Jenkins, a local historian.