OUR March meeting was held at Rotary House and Jean, our president, welcomed members and visitors.

Sandra has confirmed our coach booking for the trip to Stratfordupon- Avon on July 4.

The shared lunch has now been arranged for April 25.

We discussed our jubilee garden meeting on June 6 and ideas for the competitions we could have such as hat and cake decorating and designing a book marker.

Jean has announced that she would like to step down as president next year.

She asked if anyone would like to take over and she said she would be willing to give help and advice if needed.

She then handed over to our entertainment for the afternoon, Denith and Price, who performed music hall songs linked with humour.

They were very funny, some of our members laughed so much tears ran down their cheeks.

Jean thanked them very much, and then we finished with our usual tea and biscuits.