Despite all the evidence to show that smoking seriously damages health and results in death, the statistics show 100,000 people in the Uk die every year from smoking-related causes.

With this in mind, the general manager for nutritional supplements company Veganicity Simon Bandy is encouraging people to take up the challenge and quit smoking for good.

Now is as good a time as ever but, for those who need an extra incentive, the official No Smoking Day run by the British Heart Foundation is on Wednesday March 11 this year.

Simon is offering some tips and advice on how people can finally kick the habit.

• Identify triggers: Many people claim to need a cigarette when they feel stressed. This can be down to conditioning, believing that nicotine can help to calm you down. Nicotine actually raises blood pressure and heart rate, stimulating the body instead of relaxing it. Try going for a five minute walk instead and breathe in some fresh air, it will calm your body and mind much more.

• Drink green tea: Dehydration can lead to cravings and green tea is thought to help the detoxification process in smoking (as well as dieting), so keep a handy box of green teabags at work and home and instead of a cigarette break, have a cup of green tea. If it’s too bitter, add a teaspoon of honey.

• Remember why you’re quitting: Being focused on the reason for quitting can really help in times of crisis, whether it’s because of your children, a health scare or wrinkly skin. If necessary, place sticky notes around your home or work place with positive messages about why you are quitting.

• Choose Tasty C: When you smoke, you lose many vital vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C. Take a high dose supplement, which not only helps to improve the immune system, but also helps with cell recovery and removal of toxins.

• Introduce rewards: Everything is easier when you have something to look forward to. Therefore, introduce a quarterly rewards chart and include what you are going to treat yourself to every three months that you are smoke-free. That way, every time a craving strikes think about that particular incentive, be it something new to wear, a night out on the town or even a holiday!