SIR - I refer to Wendy Hands' thoughtful letter, 'I'm a pleb who wants a plebiscite on the EU,' July 8; I don't believe for one minute that the LibLabCon will give us a referendum on Europe. The only reason a referendum is being dangled before us yet again is to quell Tory European sceptics, and stem the mark of Ukip's 'People's Army'. Despite that I suspect Ukip will take enough votes from the Tories to allow labour to slide into government, as the largest party. That will be the end of our referendum. If that happens there is going to be the most enormous row about the results of the 2015 election. Ukip are on course to amass as many as 5,00,000 votes, but I doubt they will get a single seat in the House of Commons. That is going to light the blue touch paper as they say!

Ukip voters will not take such a result lying down. Nor should they! There will be a huge public outcry to scrap our utterly corrupt 'first past the post' system of elections. The Labour and Tory parties will fight tooth and nail to prevent that. Such a change would make Parliament much more representative of we the people. I wonder if t hose involved in the shenanigans over our Mayor have ever stopped to consider how the expressions of opprobrium and disgust, over the Mayor's appointment, which have apparently reached the pages of 'Private Eye' , are going to translate into future Ukip votes for local councillors and our MP in 2015.

N TAYLOR Worcester