Sir - Joy Squires recently submitted her views on the Israel/Gaza situation - please consider publishing this response to her one-sided comments:

She may feel that there is no justification for the deaths of 'Palestinian' civilians as a result of Israel's actions - but she needs to take a reality check - a HUGE number of these deaths are as a result of Hamas using them and their homes/schools/children etc as 'shields' from where they launch their vicious offensive attempt to destroy Israel (which is their admitted objective).

Surely she must also be aware of Israel's warning policy of leaflet drops and 'roof knocking' prior to their strikes to warn people to leave the area and that it is well publicized that Hamas tell the people to ignore this and stay where they are (live, work). No wonder their casualty numbers are disproportionately high - they don't care about their civilians and use it as propaganda to fuel people like her to turn against Israel.

As has been quoted before - if Hamas gave up their weapons there would be peace - if Israel gave up their weapons there'd be no more Israel!

Dave Benfield
