SIR, How sad to read Robert Burkett's letter, "Why we worry about population size," (Worcester News, September 4), only to discover it's the usual tripe. Mr Burkett says, "In just a few generations there may not be enough land to grow food for everyone". Where's this guy been? Our population exceeded its food supply decades ago. 40 million of us are totally dependent upon imported food! Globally 2 billion of us go hungry! Our national and global populations are already unsustainable! And that's before we consider non-renewable natural resources.

I don't want the Greens "worrying" about population size. I want them off their backsides and attacking the crackpots we have in power, who think they can carry on ferrying millions of people here and covering our farmland with concrete to house them.

I want the Greens to press the crackpots who govern us into ensuring that what we do is sustainable in the long term, and I suggest that means getting our population down to not more than 30 million - starting now.

We can see we are being affected by climate change, we can see rainfall patterns are changing, we can see glaciers and polar ice is melting, and we can see sea levels are rising, yet the crackpots who govern us want millions more houses across our nation, so they can house millions more immigrants. Somehow saying "Why we worry about population size," doesn't seem to cut the mustard!

N TAYLOR Worcester