Sir - Contrary to the bizarre claims in GB Dipper's latest (Letters, 16.9.'14), his own one-trick-pony negative fixation with the EU is the obsession which is remarkable. For me, there are lots of other more important things in the world.

What has fascinated me (OK, it has also scared me) is how somebody like Mr. Dipper forms a view, based on prejudice, then attempts to bend, distort, ignore the inconvenient and peddle untruths. He next becomes upset when anybody quotes fact which ask questions of him.

For quite some time now, Mr. Dipper has failed to respond to specific, verifiable data, even when directly challenged. Not once. Not ever. Never.

Sure, he's invented stuff (and been found out), but that's not the same thing at all. Note that, yet again, he makes no attempt whatsoever to deal with straightforward substantive detail, this time concerning the truth about EU thinking on vacuum-cleaners, but relies, instead, on rehashed personal abuse.

Repeatedly, he has demonstrated that the conduct of decent civilised discourse is beyond his intellectual compass. This is a sad state of affairs, and I begin to feel sorry for him.

David Barlow


Editor's note: This correspondence between Mr Barlow and Mr Dipper is now closed