Sir - I was pleased to see your recent coverage of the letter from the Director of Admissions for the Cambridge Colleges to all schools and colleges about the importance of continuing to offer AS-levels in the wake of the government’s decision to make them a standalone qualification.

At Worcester Sixth Form College we will be doing precisely that and the usual programme for A Level students will continue to be that they take four AS subjects in their first year before deciding which three to specialise in at full A Level in their second year. We agree with the letter from Cambridge University that this provides “significant educational benefit” since the advantages include the following:

1. Students can still “try out” subjects before deciding which to take to full A Level; recent research indicates that students are more likely to take up A Levels in subjects that are vital for our economic future, such as Maths and Physics, under this system

2. The AS grade will give a very good indication of likely performance in full A Level so students can apply to appropriate university courses

3. Students will get used to jump from GCSE to A Level standard

4. Taking AS at the end of the first year gives a goal and focus

5. Students will continue to get recognition for their achievements in the first year

6. Universities and employers like our approach as they can see how students have performed at AS in all their subjects

It is vital that students about to embark on sixth form education, as well as their parents, have a full understanding of this important issue and they should certainly ask any school or college that they are considering attending for A Level study what its policy is.

Michael Kitcatt


Worcester Sixth Form College