Sir - Miliband seeks to "weaponise" the NHS, which his party saddled with burgeoning debt when it sanctioned hugely expensive PFI projects, just as they did in the education sector.

It was also widely reported that the Labour leadership have been instructed to "move the conversation on" when immigration is brought up...I wonder why, given that it was a Labour PM, Brown, who signed away the security of Britain's borders when he signed the Lisbon Treaty.

Clegg's lot, still battered and bruised after their demolition at the May elections, are desperately scrabbling for anything that will distinguish them from their coalition Conservative partners, yet they still want to be part of another coalition this year!

Cameron cooingly reassured us all that he would "renegotiate" immigration, among other aspects of Britain's ongoing and hugely expensive membership of the EU experiment.

Predictably, and as last week's visit by Angela Merkel made clear, there is no deal to be had. What is Cameron's response? Is it to apologise for misleading us all, by pretending there was ever any hope of change? No, it is to hide behind the Green minnow, to avoid a televised confrontation with the new UKIP shark in the political pool. Now we learn that he wants his party to vote to stay in the EU, contrary to his assurances that should he fail to negotiate any significant change, Britain would consider withdrawing. Cameron is a rabid Europhile, and never had any intention of doing anything but staying in the failing EU experiment. Is this duplicitous man really the best we can do for a leader?

We have an election coming up, which for the first time in my lifetime, is one that even the pundits won't predict. If you're fed up with the broken promises, deceit, or downright lies of the usual suspects, vote UKIP, and make a very real change to our country, and our communities, and just for once, achieve a voice for the people routinely ignored...except at election time!

Will Richards
