Sir - Just last week , a new leak on the worlds dirtiest trade deal emerged that confirms our worst fears about TTIP.

The deals gives big business unprecedented power over decision- making across Europe. The leak shows

how big business will be able to call the shots in Brussels, via a new chapter misleadingly called regulatory cooperation.

The news was the most shocking of all the leaks we have seen so far. Chlorinated chicken, GMO veggies, and

chemicals in our food that can damage the development of our children are just three examples of the devastating effects TTIP will have on our day-to-day lives.

For people who have never heard of this its the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership . It means that corporations can co-write our regulations, and is bad news for consumers, workers, and the environment. The only winners will be like Monsanto, Bayer, Exxon Mobile and Nestle.

John White
