Sir - This was a budget of crumbs and scraps. Millions of workers will continue to struggle to pay their bills but the gravy train for the rich keeps going.

Bankers get paid a salary and then a bonus, where is our bonus?

Osborne says he wants to get £5billion more from a crackdown on tax avoidance. Yet avoidance is estimated at £120billion per year, that is £600billion over the life of this government.

If benefit claimants got away with that it would be front page news. Osborne's message to the rich is keep calm and carry on fiddling.

Strangely Ed Balls cannot find anything in a Tory budget to change. He and Osborne are in it together.

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coaition candidates are standing in the coming elections to challenge the big business 'as usual' agenda of the establishment parties and propose policies for the millions not the millionaires.

Pete McNally

Worcester P.P.C. Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
