Sir - The claim by UKIP's Richard Delingpole at the General Election hustings on Monday that man-made global warming 'is not happening' says a lot about UKI's approach to politics.

Rather than consider the evidence, they make wild claims that they hope will appeal to enough voters to get them elected. As their leader Nigel Farage has freely admitted; 'I haven't got a clue' about climate change. Even the Monster Raving Looney Party came across as more sensible on climate change!

Perhaps more worrying is the fact that although the Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems claim to support the science of climate change, this is not matched by their actions.

They are all pushing for fracking, despite knowing that we need to leave the vast majority of fossil fuels in the ground. Unfortunately, short term political gain overrides the long term damage such policies will cause.

Only the Green Party seems to understand that the world we live in, our environment, and the threat to it posed by climate change is fundamental to our way of life and affects all policy areas.

Matthew Jenkins

County Councillor (St. Stephen)