Sir- I am amazed at people that complain about being caught by a speed enforcement van.

Why should or would they want a warning sign to inform them that they are or could be speeding. The number of people breaking the law is unbelievable.

I have been driving through a 30 mph at 28 mph and I have had people who have been obnoxious i.e flashing lights and the old single finger in the air, far in excess of the 30 mph limit.

I have even had people passing me on double white solid lines in the road, also jumping traffic lights.

So well done speed enforcement officers, job well done. Police don't seem so keen these days to target these inconsiderate drivers, probably due to the amount of paper work it involves and, dare I say it, the cuts from central government.

To people who speed, regardless of what they may do as a circumstance i.e causing death or serious injury to third parties and themselves for the sake of a few minutes, I say start that little bit earlier and you would not have to speed.

If you do speed face the circumstances and stop winging. Pay your fines. If the boot was on the other foot and one of your own was killed or maimed you would all blame the speeders, so its simple - SLOW DOWN!

Dave Oliver
