Sir - As a marginal seat in the General Election Worcester once again plays a pivotal role in saying in which direction we, the general public, wish to take our society. Worcester has, through the centuries, been a dynamic force in establishing a democratic system; the beginnings of which is being celebrated this year as we mark the 800th centenary of the Magna Carta-that great charter which first established basic rights & freedoms to all citizens, not just to the rich & powerful.

The Civil War which began & ended in Worcester further increased the basic rights of all citizens & whatever our political persuasion, we owe it to all those who have fought so hard for these rights to go out & vote this Thursday. Vote for the politicians who will serve our country well & create the type of society in which we can all feel part of.

We, the ordinary man & woman in the street, have the power to place individuals in Parliament to make changes; to create & pass & amend laws so that the status quo is ever evolving to the betterment of our society. We have the power to set major shifts in mind sets if there are enough people urging & demanding change- it certainly won`t happen if we say, "What can I do? I`m only one person, I have no power."

So your vote does count, please use this hard won right & go out & vote this Thursday!

Geraldine Lowman
