SIR - ON July 3 one of my cats was hit by a speeding motorist outside my house and seriously injured.
The driver did not bother to stop but a kind couple saw the incident and alerted me so that I could take my cat to the vet.
Where I live on Sebright Avenue it is a 20mph speed limit, there are speed bumps (including one outside my home) and school warning signs (there is a primary school around the corner).
My cat is very large and the driver could not have failed to see him. The incident happened at the time when parents are collecting their children from school and I fear that if something is not done about enforcing these speeding motorists, a small child will soon be seriously hurt. Incidentally, my cat has had surgery and the best care at Companion Care Vets and is recovering.
Many parents walk their children to and from school and the irresponsibility of many drivers is very worrying.

Feminists not really
interested in equality

SIR - CAMERON has swallowed the constant misleading allegations by feminist groups of the alleged gender pay gap and is now acting to address it.
One wonders what craziness will follow...parity for men in our so-called family courts? Not likely since feminists have no interest in equality that doesn’t give them an advantage. A dose of Orwell’s Animal Farm anyone?

Big tea party will mark
our 25th anniversary

SIR - KINGFISHER Court is celebrating being open for 25 years on August 5.  We are having a big tea party with two of the original residents, who are both in their mid-90s, being king and queen for the day.  
Secretary, Residents’ Association

Spreading awareness
of polio and its victims

SIR - THE British Polio Fellowship is committed to supporting and empowering thousands of people in the UK living with the late effects of polio and post polio yndrome (PPS) with guidance and advice.
The fact is more can be done on raising awareness on PPS and as July is British Polio Month, I would call on your readers to help us raise awareness of PPS and educate the public on the effects of a condition that affects around 120,000 people in the UK.
PPS and the late effects of polio impact on around the same number of people as motor neurone disease or Parkinson’s.
Yet the condition remains little-known amongst the public or medical professions.
The British Polio Fellowship survives thanks to the generosity of the public.
But the aim of this month is raising awareness and helping those affected by polio and PPS by sending out the message that there is help available.
In the past individuals have enthusiastically skydived, ridden bikes and run marathons to help us raise funds and promote awareness and we welcome all efforts large or small.
However, if you are one of those who needs our support, you can call us on 0800 0431935.
Our website has lots of advice for those living with the late effects of polio or PPS.
CEO, The British Polio Fellowship

Help to refugees need
not be quite so blatant

SIR - PATROLLING just to the south of the demilitarised zone in Korea, we occasionally met Korean families who were escaping from the north of the country.
I regularly tried to help these refugees with a part of our combat rations and water, at the same time making sure that they were strong enough to continue their journey.
This was out of concern for fellow human beings who did not have the same security as ourselves.
This action was not part of our remit and neither my colleagues nor I expected any reward or recognition for our efforts.
It is therefore disappointing to see people advertising their charitable efforts for Syrian refugees.
It would be more appropriate that their actions were not so obviously advertised.

Quarry swimmers need to show responsibility
SIR - IT appears to me to be quite wrong for anyone to defy local bylaws and swim in Gullet Quarry.
It also seems wrong to me for people to swim in the quarry, suggest it is safe when it clearly is not, and encourage others, by statement and example, to do the same.
The water in the quarry is warm on the surface but cold deeper.
The consequences of a swimmer entering this colder water can be dramatic.
He or she gasps, takes in water and goes into shock with the sudden drop in temperature.
The heart stops beating and the swimmer dies.
The Malvern Hills Conservators, their wardens, and the police have done all they can to prevent irresponsible behaviour at Gullet Quarry.
If people wish to continue to ignore fences and clear warnings of the dangers, if they wish to continue to break bylaws and put their lives at risk then the Conservators cannot be held responsible, nor should they be expected to take further measures beyond what has been done and is being done at the quarry to prevent unnecessary deaths.

Never mind WWIII, we thrashed the Aussies!
SIR - HEARTY congrats to Serena Williams and England’s cricketers.
With excellent news like this who cares about World War III.
Let’s blow up laughing.

Please park properly and don’t be so selfish
SIR - HOW many motorists drive into a parking area for two or more cars and park their vehicle quickly leaving huge half-car spaces with no thought for any other drivers?
Should you recognise yourself here, however short you anticipate your stay, please act in a less selfish manner and park up to the dotted line, where marked, shown at right angles to the pavement, even if you have to get back into your car to do so.