SIR – This week we have been informed that the NHS is already £900m + in the red. 
The public are asking how when there are so many managers on six figure salaries. The answer is simple, remove 90% of all NHS managers and that will resolve the  immediate problem. 
When the NHS came into existence hospitals were run by a small committee of approx. 5 persons which included a matron who was responsible for all the staff from nurses to cleaners. There were no hygiene problems and patient care was foremost.
At present this country gives the EU £63m each day. If 15 days of the money that is paid to the EU by this country is put into the NHS closed wards could be opened, wards would have a full complement of nurses without having to use agency nurses, operations would take place when scheduled and not have to be continually cancelled and there would be no waiting lists. 
Continue this theme for a further 10 days and all those who would benefit from the new drugs being developed but not taken up by  the NHS because of cost would be able to have the treatment they require.
Those who say this country would be poorer outside the EU need to look at countries which are outside the EU and who trade with the EU in addition to any country they choose in the world and compare their standard of living with our own.

Capitalism is finally 
on its last legs

CRACKING Letter from Neil Laurenson, “Common good should come before profits,” (Worcester News, October 16) especially, “capitalism depends on rapid material growth on a planet whose resources are already being overused.” If you ask anyone about “planetary resources” they will usually say oil. Nobody thinks of our atmosphere as a planetary resource, but it’s the most important one. It gives life. And we’re wrecking it.
Our world cannot sustain 21st century lifestyles for the 12 billion people it could have by 2050, or the 90 million our nation could have. Capitalism and the global economy are on their last legs, especially if powered by oil. To avoid environmental catastrophe the ‘hydrogen era’ has to start now. ‘Growth’ has to become ‘conservation’ and we must live in harmony with our ecological resources. That means getting our population down to ecologically sustainable levels. Long term, we have no choice.

Tell Mr Garnier that
there is an alternative

SIR –Mark Garnier MP suggested in the Worcester News on October 8 that it is wrong to argue that there has to be another way to deliver public services. 
I presume then that he is happy with the news that more than 100 education jobs are set to be lost across Worcestershire due to the county council’s outsourcing deal with Babcock International (Worcester News, 22/10/15)?
 Let’s remind ourselves that only 24.3 per cent of the electorate voted for this government, which is cutting public services and benefits, passing anti-union laws, selling off social housing and overseeing vast privatisations, including that of the NHS. Do you agree with Mr Garnier that there isn’t an alternative to this?
Worcester Green Party

Ripper theory rubbish,
ask my great grandad

SIR – You carried a story (Worcester News, October 23) about the new play, I am Jack, by the Swan Youth Theatre and peddling yet another far-fetched theory as to his identity for the Ripper “industry” to feast on.
 The fact is that the detective in overall charge of the investigations (my great grandfather Donald Sutherland Swanson), in a handwritten note never intended for publication, clearly identified the killer as “Kosminski” and described the steps taken by the police to remove him from circulation, so ending the killings.

It’s about time we left the European Union
SIR – Christopher Gill, president of the Freedom Association, wrote to the DailyTelegraph expressing his concern that staying in the EU means that ultimately we shall find ourselves obliged to accept the EU’s Corpus Juris in lieu of our own criminal justice system.
 The European Arrest Warrant does not include the necessity to offer evidence of an offence being committed. Under Corpus Juris there would be no law of Habeas Corpus,  no presumption of innocence,  no right to trial,  no protection against double jeopardy.  In short, loss of all the protections against state inspired coercion that British subjects have enjoyed for centuries.  The EU is criticised for being anti-democratic. Mr Gill’s letter convinces me further (along with the patriotic horror I feel about the prospect of an EU army, HQ in Berlin), that Britain’s Commonwealth would be best served outside it.

Polio deserving of
media’s attention

SIR – Post-polio syndrome (PPS) affects 120,000 people in the UK, similar to the number of people suffering from Parkinson’s, so surely it is not too much to ask that it receives the same attention from the medical profession and the public?
British Polio Fellowship