SIR – The most revealing part of your excellent article about calls for a northern link road was the statement by the local MP.

Robin Walker’s view is that it is “sequential … we’ve got to dual Carrington Bridge before we have that debate about other infrastructure”.

For his information, we’ve already had that debate. It took place in 1993 – 23 years ago!

This is why the A449 northern link was built in the first place.

It was the first phase of the scheme, and the next phase would have bridged the river north of Hallow and then turned south to link up with the A44, providing a complete bypass for the city.

It was dropped by the Tory-controlled county council at that time.

This was, allegedly, because of a conspiracy between the two local Tory MPs whose constituencies were affected and the Tories on the county council, all of whom were frightened of upsetting their supporters in Bevere and north Worcester, and the areas west of the city.

Mr Walker’s statement makes that theory of a conspiracy look ever more credible.

All he’s actually saying is: “Let’s delay it yet again.”

And council chiefs have ruled out such a road until 2030. So it’s a good thing that they don’t have the power to decide.

That  power is given to councillors, who are elected by the public, who may or may not take advice from the officers.

People should remember this at election time.

