Sir – So, now we have another female Prime Minister, lets hope we don’t change her title to Prime Minis-stress and get back to the good old days, when we had Margaret Thatcher, we’ll just have to wait and see.

The day Theresa May was appointed Prime Minister, my wife and I sent her a congratulations card with a message written by myself.

It said: “Please, we beg you to get our beautiful country back to normal. I’ve spent most of my life waiting for women, please make it worth waiting for.”

I also suggested she change her surname to Must, instead of May.

I also apologised, stating it was just my sense of humour. As I believe she will do an excellent job, when and if she can, as being a female, she still has her housework and shopping to do. Hahahahaha, only joking. I really am, as I do it all in my household.

David Jeffries
