SIR - I write regarding your stories How can we find a home for Alex' and Why so many families cannot afford a home' (February 4).

There are several reasons why many families cannot afford a home.

First, because there are no affordable houses and no council houses, as they were sold, which ought not have been allowed. It was shocking at the time.

Second, we live too long and occupy houses, instead of popping off! We had to save hard before having babies. What is wrong with waiting and saving and both working hard?

The young couple who are living with their parents are having a child.

Please, young folk, there is family planning available today so do get your act together.

Your are putting your poor long suffering parents under a lot of stress.

I have to admit I do think that nowadays everyone wants everything now and preferably from the State at once.

We all need to learn to be more economic, less wanting and more logical and sensible.