SIR – The anti-hunting letter from Katherine Watson (February 3) proved another example of the correspondence she has with numerous local newspapers often many miles from her Stockport home.

Her claims and copious muddled questions are a standard smoke screen for the flawed Hunting Act. In her confusion Ms Watson even failed to correctly name the Master of Hounds involved.

Her allegation that children were in danger when the Worcestershire hounds strayed from their exercise route is false and appeared calculated to cause fear and alarm. At country shows in the summer dozens of small children will mix with two or three packs of different hounds and the only casualties suffered are a few unguarded ice creams.

Ms Watson conveniently forgot to mention the hounds were being exercised by following a scent trail close to Droitwich. No horses were being used because of the icy conditions so the huntsman was on foot. Not really the best conditions to secretly conduct some illegal hunting in, but let's not allow fact to interfere with a little propaganda here.

Jon Burgess