SIR - It would interesting to know who carried out the survey mentioned in David Candler's letter ( August 22) in which he seems to put so much trust. Over the last four or five weeks, I have been collecting signatures for the Independence & Democracy Group and UKIP ( Let The People Decide Campaign) and have asked everyone the same question - do you think Britain should remain in the EU or should we pull out?

Up till now, a massive 92 per cent are in favour of our withdrawal. Councillor Candler says support for the EU is at its highest since the 1980s. Based on these figures support in the 1980s must have been non-existent.

Mr Candler goes on to list the advantages of our membership of the EU.

I wonder if the redundant car workers at the Ryton plant who had their livelihood snatched away from them by Brussels would agree with the improved working conditions he mentions, or British farmers who have just discovered it is payback time, due to the accession of so many poorer countries to the EU.

Perhaps he could go a little further and get the opinions of the ex-workers of the Birmingham HP sauce factory. What of consumer and environmental protection? When the seventh and final treaty is signed we will lose any right to resist planting of genetically-modified crops on British soil, and no one yet knows what impact this will have on the wildlife and our food chain. Finally, since when were the British people given the facts on the EU? They have been railroaded into the EU in carriages made of lies, drawn by an engine of deceit.


Holt Heath,
