TEENS can now get free contraceptive kits in Worcestershire schools after funding was secured to help reduce teenage pregnancies in the county.

The kits contain contraceptive pills, implants and an IUD (coil) as well as condoms and a condom demonstrator.

NHS Worcestershire’s sexual health education team secured the funding to supply the kits from the Worcestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership, a consortium of councils and health organisations who work to cut rates of teenage pregnancy and youth services.

The kits can be used in schools to help them with ‘sex and relationship education’.

The kits also have information leaflets and suggested educational activities that teachers can use.

All high and middle schools as well special schools and pupil referral units across Worcestershire now have the opportunity to claim their free kit along with training and updates for school staff from the sexual health education team.

Kate Wilson, health promotion specialist for NHS Worcestershire, said: “A number of schools have already previously borrowed contraceptive kits from our team to help with their lessons. Having kits permanently available will enable schools to plan their lessons more effectively and help them respond to impromptu questions that sometimes arise from pupil discussions.”