THIS distressed duck which has a plastic beer can holder stuck in its mouth and around the back of its neck has got rescuers in a flap.

The RSPCA has received numerous calls from concerned people in Worcester about the mallard and despite attempts by officers and swan rescuers to capture her she has so far evaded them.

Attempts are continuing and the charity plans to try a boat rescue next week.

RSPCA chief inspector Lee Hopgood said: “We are concerned for this duck but we know how difficult she is going to be to catch. She is wary of humans and the more attempts are made to catch her the more wary she becomes.

“It looks like she can still drink but it is likely she will be having difficulty feeding.

“It may not be until she deteriorates in condition and strength before we have a chance of catching her.

“The most frustrating thing about this situation is that this bird’s suffering was entirely preventable.

“This poor duck is in this distressing position because someone couldn’t be bothered to put their litter in a bin.”