A RENOWNED art project has arrived in Cathedral Square, Worcester.

The Company of Others has brought the Empathy Museum’s A Mile in My Shoes exhibition to the city from May 25 to June 3.

A spokesman said: "A Mile in My Shoes is a shoe shop where visitors are invited to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes – literally. Housed in a giant shoebox, this exhibit holds a diverse collection of shoes and audio stories that explore our shared humanity. From a Syrian refugee to a sex worker, a florist to a neuro surgeon, visitors are invited to walk a mile in the shoes of a stranger whilst listening to their story.

“The stories cover different aspects of life and take the visitor on an empathetic as well as a physical journey. The Empathy Museum launched the project in London in 2015 and it has since been presented in Sao Paolo, Brussels and the Houses of Parliament with stories collected in each location."