CONGRATULATIONS to Worcestershire businessman Carl Theakston and his three fellow Atlantic adventurers who have put the county in the national headlines for the second time within a couple of days.

Carl, who runs the Malvern paper products firm ESP, was first across the line in the Atlantic Rowing Race 2007.

His Pura Vida boat arrived in Antigua on Saturday to complete the 3,000-mile rowing race ahead of the rest of the field in what is reputed to be the toughest rowing challenge in the world.

Not bad for a man who admitted to being afraid of water before the race started!

It is a magnificent performance by Carl and his fellow rowers Tom Harvey, Robbie Grant and John Cecil-Wright.

After seven weeks of rowing since they started from the Canaries, we have no doubt the foursome are enjoying finding their land legs again.

No respect for hero

This area first came to the attention of the national media, of course, following the crash-landing of the BA jet captained by Worcester's Peter Burkill last week.

The voracious nature of the national newspapers, particularly those that did not secure interviews with Captain Burkill and his family, was clear for everyone to see yesterday as they attempted to dig up as much salacious detail about his past as possible.

This country has a bizarre way of treating those who deserve our respect and admiration.