IT has been extremely hard work with England this week after Sunday's defeat to the All Blacks.

But I wouldn't swap it for anything and hopefully it will all pay off when we play Argentina on Saturday.

It was a tough game at the weekend. New Zealand are a good side and they just don't make mistakes. It was a physical game and they are very clinical in everything they do.

They are not overly complicated, their skills are great and their passes are to hand. They don't make mistakes and they don't let you into the game.

You might come up against more physical sides than the All Blacks but they are just very good at rugby. They don't bully you out of it. They play a complete brand of rug-by and make very few errors.

The Twickenham experience was immense. There are al-ways lots of stresses and lots of pressures on the day but when you look back and reflect, you can enjoy the experience.

We were disappointed in the dressing room afterwards. We did some things that were good but in other areas we are not quite there.

They punished every mistake we made but we did manage three tries of our own as well as one that was disallowed.

I was as surprised as anybody else that the try wasn't given but you can't dwell on these things. You just have to live with decisions that go against you.

It is a different sort of challenge for England this weekend. The Pumas are a good side and they came within a couple of points of beating New Zealand earlier in the year. We know they are going to be massively physical and they relish confrontation.

I might also be up against one of my team-mates from Worcester if Miguel Avram-ovic gets picked and that could be quite interesting.

The club needs wins at the moment and Saturday was another very frustrating day for us. I think it is evident from watching the games that the guys aren't lacking spirit and endeavour and that is all you can ask for.

I am a firm believer that if you work as hard as you can every single week you turn up, then eventually you will get your reward.

From our point of view, it is just a question of making sure we are 100 per cent committed in training and on the field and ultimately we will get what we deserve.

Northampton visit on Saturday and I think it is the first match this season at Sixways we haven't played a team near the top of the league.

Saints are just above us in the league and I think it is a very, very important game. There is no doubt it is going to be a huge contest.

There are a number of Warriors who are away with our countries at the moment and it is at these times your strength in depth really comes to the fore.

We have to deal with players being away and still get results. That is what the Premiership requires.

There is no shortage of confidence at the club and we only need to get a couple of wins to get the ball rolling. There is no better medicine than winning.