KIDDERMINSTER Harriers Community Scheme will be bringing their own version of the new Wembley to children in and around Worcestershire during the summer holidays.

As part of Harriers' FA Charter Standard holiday course programme, children will be able to play on the new inflatable pitch and take part in matches and competitions.

Competitions are held daily and include goal of the day, penalty king and Wembley doubles.

All courses are open to boys and girls aged five to 14 years and cost £8 per day or £29 for a week.

Courses run from 10am until 3pm and mini-kickers, aged from five to seven, can attend for half days if they wish.

Forthcoming local courses: Parkside Middle School, Bromsgrove, July 30-August 3; Great Witley Primary School, July 30 and 31; Dyson Perrins High School, August 1-3; Witton Middle School, Droitwich, August 6-10; Nunnery Wood High School, Worcester, August 6-7; Stourport High School, August 8-10; Baxter College, Kidderminster, August 29-31.

For an application form or further details, call 01562-863821.