HAT-TRICK hero Miles Benjamin is determined to have his most prolific season in a Worcester jersey after bagging his first treble for the club.

The England Saxons speedster dotted down three times in the victory over Plymouth Albion at Brickfields and is now determined to go on and beat his 2007-08 performance when he claimed 15 tries in all competitions.

The Solihull-born 22-year-old said: “I’m really happy. It was my first hat-trick for the club and it’s always great to get over the line.

“In the back three, we’re pretty kind to each other, but a few of the other boys had been giving me stick before the game for not scoring against Birming-ham and Solihull. Neil Best was telling me I was too slow, so I had to make sure I stepped it up this week!

“I want the team to score a lot of tries and hopefully that will mean me scoring. I’m aiming for more than I’ve ever scored in a season for the club. I got 15 in my first season, so hopefully I’m well on my way to beating that now.”

Benjamin added: “We found it tough, it was a bit of a reality check after last week and that is what we needed. You are going to get tough days like this when you travel.

“It is job done but we are still disappointed with our performance and I know Richard Hill will wants more from us. It was a battle and something we can learn from.”

Hill was also pleased to see his young wing get off the mark for the league season and added: “I was pleased with Miles. We need one of the three in Tom Arscott, Miles or Marcel Garvey to score tries.”