Hereford United continue to slip down the npower League Two table after suffering a third successive reverse at the Pirelli Stadium.

Perhaps what is more worrying, the Bulls have now gone a remarkable 524 minutes since scoring their only goal of the season in the 1-0 win at Crewe on the season’s opening day.

Following the defeat at home to Rotherham, boss Simon Davey recalled striker Mathieu Manset and handed forward Amadou Rabihou his debut.

With Michael Townsend on the injured list, Richard Rose got his first outing of the season as part of a three-man defence with Janos Kovacs and O’Neil Thompson.

Hereford came under early pressure at the back but Adam Bartlett’s handling in the Bulls goal was secure.

And the Bulls keeper pulled off a brilliant flying save when Shaun Harrad let fly with a 25-yard stinger.

Skipper Kovacs picked up Hereford’s 17th yellow card of the season – in just the sixth game – with a clumsy challenge on Harrad a minute later.

The Bulls showed their first glimpse of attacking flair with Kenny Lunt releasing Joe Colbeck down the right.

The midfielder raced into the area only to slip over as he attempted to deliver the cross.

Burton took the lead on 27 minutes when a free-kick from John McGrath reached Richard Walker who was given chance to turn and shoot past Bartlett.

Three minutes later, a rapidly deteriorating situation became worse when Aaron Webster’s pass picked out Shaun Harrad, who beat the Hereford offside trap and fired past Bartlett.

Hereford hit back and keeper Adam Legzdins did well to tip over a Rabihou 20-yarder.

The Cameroon striker fired just over from James McQuilkin’s resulting corner.

But Burton were quickly back on the attack and Bartlett pulled off a superb double save from Harrad and then Walker.

At the interval, Davey withdrew Thompson and reverted to a 4-4-2 formation with Dominik Werling making his first appearance on the left of midfield.

But, within a minute of the start of the second period, Burton broke forward and Russell Penn’s 35-yarder struck Rose and beat Bartlett.

Hereford threatened when Legzdins failed to hold a Ryan Valentine free-kick under pressure from Kovacs.

But no-one was able to get on the end of the loose ball and Ryan Green sliced a shot over shortly afterwards.

Rabihou sent a chipped volley just over after an astute pass forward from Lunt.

At the other end, Green conceded a needless free-kick to put Hereford under pressure and it took a good save from Bartlett to prevent Walker from getting a fourth.