SEVEN Kidderminster Sam-urai Judo Club youngsters have reached black belt status.

Tom Walker, Kate Walker, Grant Jones, Phil Brick, Paul Clarke, Ben Dowling and Becky Holmes were all successful.

Walker, aged 14, defeated three brown belt men in a record 36 seconds to earn his black belt.

Tom's sister Kate set a joint British record by gaining her second level black belt on her 17th birthday, the youngest a player can hold the grade.

Jones, aged 16, brought the number of black belts in his family to four with his success, while Dowling, another 16 year-old, threw five players to take the coveted grade.

Brick completed his theory after a 12-year break from the sport to claim his black belt.

Clarke, aged 24, moved from first level black to second level, while 17-year-old Holmes completed the club's triumph.

Kate Walker will also represent Great Britain at the Junior European Championships in Estonia next month.