TEVITA Taumopeau’s nerve-related hand problem still has specialists scratching their heads over when the powerhouse prop will be able to return to action.

The veteran tighthead underwent neck surgery earlier this year and while that has healed well, the procedure damaged a nerve, which is now limiting the movement in his hand.

Warriors head coach Richard Hill explained: “It won’t need extra surgery, it’s just a case of the nerve recovering of its own accord.

“We are not thinking of bringing in a replacement at this stage — we are all desperately hoping Tevita will make a full recovery.”

He added: “The problem is that no-one really knows how long he will be out for. He’s had nerve damage from when his neck was operated on, which left him without movement in his hand, so it stayed clenched.

“We have to get that hand to the extent where he can open and close it without problem — if he can only half do that and he fell down, he could break his wrist.

“His neck is fine, but we have a secondary issue with his hand. The medics can’t release him to train and play fully until he has that movement back.

“We keep going to the specialist every two weeks, who tests his movement in his hand, but until everyone is happy, we can’t play him.

“It’s very frustrating all round because he can hit a scrum without a problem and his neck is as solid as a rock — he is absolutely desperate to play, but we can’t do anything until the specialist says it’s safe.”