
  • Boxing clever

    YOUNGSTERS at town schools have been boxing clever by getting involved in the Operation Christmas Child appeal. Children at Bromsgrove schools, including St Peter's and Meadows First, have been packing shoes boxes full of goodies which will be sent to

  • Dream ticket

    EVERY young soccer player's dream of stepping out onto Manchester United's Old Trafford ground could become reality if their number comes up in a raffle being run by a village football team. The first prize is a grand day out for two youngsters to train

  • They're kissing to be clever

    TOWN teenagers have been puckering up for worthy courses during their annual charity week. Sixth formers at Droitwich Spa High School organised five days of wacky fundraising events and have collected more than £2,000. A kissing auction, eat-a-thon and

  • Land earmarked for development

    A NEW area of land has been earmarked for development in plans for the future of Bromsgrove. An area to the west of Whitford Road in Bromsgrove is now due to be designated as an ADR - an Area of Development Restraint - which would take it out of the Green

  • Brothers land panto places

    TWO talented Rubery youngsters will tread the boards in forthcoming festive productions after battling their way through tough auditions. Ten-year-old Mike Kite-Lightfoot and his 13-year-old brother Stuart both scooped parts in different Christmas productions

  • My identity was stolen on website

    A BBC news correspondent, who was educated in Droitwich Spa, discovered his identity had been stolen when he logged onto the popular Friends Reunited website. Kevin Connolly studied at Sacred Heart College and hoped to catch up with former classmates

  • Remember loved ones

    ROTARIANS are planning to add Spa-rkle to the town centre with their Tree of Light. The Cedar tree in Victoria Square will look electric this Saturday following the grand switch on at 5pm. The Saltway Rotary Club is leading the money-spinning venture

  • Dolphins hit form

    DROITWICH Dolphins were in inspired form in the Speedo Swimming League second round, taking either first or second places in the majority of events. A whole string of top finishes propelled Dolphins into runners-up overall, narrowly missing out to Dove

  • 20/11/02 - Hoping to reap benefits of break

    IT'S been good to have a weekend off, but I think the acid test of whether it's been beneficial or not will come at 5pm on Saturday after the game at Hastings United. We have been appreciative of the break. It has been a punishing opening to the season

  • Cruel mum left child to bleed

    DESPITE her daughter suffering horrific injuries at the hands of a sex offender and bleeding profusely, a mother delayed for hours before calling for an ambulance. The little girl was rushed to hospital where she eventually had to have an operation under

  • School's £40,000 gem

    A NEW computer suite costing about £40,000 will be opened at an Alcester school on Friday. MP for Alcester John Maples will officially launch St Faith's Junior School's new ICT suite, which boasts 20 networked computers and an interactive whiteboard.

  • Frame plan snub

    PLANS to replace 30-year-old windows in Aston Cantlow's Village Hall have been refused. The hall's trustees wanted to replace 20, 60s-style windows and a set of metal doors with uPVC double-glazing on the grade II listed building to enhance its appearance

  • Hard-earned victory sees United move on up the league

    TENBURY moved up to second place in the Kidderminster Premier League table when they battled hard for a deserved victory in very sticky conditions at Chaddersley. The home side quickly adapted to the difficult playing surface and had the better of the

  • Surf your way through crowds

    IRONICALLY for a Christian festival, Christmas shopping can be sheer hell. There's no excuse for forgetting when it is - it's promoted and advertised more exhaustively than a Robbie Williams album almost as soon as summer's over. However, while some disturbingly

  • Turned on by the Beckhams

    THERE were strange looks and gasps as it seemed the Kingfisher Centre had enticed two top celebrities to do their Christmas shopping in Redditch. Although not the real singing star Victoria Beckham or her football hero husband David, Camilla Shadeholt

  • Market moves to new home

    REDDITCH'S open-air market opened on Monday, bringing fresh produce and products to town. Problems with the specifications of the stalls meant there was a slight delay on the opening. Set behind the new Debenhams store, the market boasts 54 stalls.

  • Man dies in fall

    A 55-year-old man from Headless Cross fell to his death in Redditch town centre. Edward Benton-Evans, of Fenwick Close, was taken by ambulance to the Alexandra Hospital where he was certified dead by doctors. Redditch police are appealing for witnesses

  • Misery over urn blunder

    REDDITCH Crematorium has launched an internal inquiry after a mix-up over a cremated remains plot. Dorothy Hopkins, 57, of Melen Street, was shocked recently when she discovered the plot she had reserved for herself to the right of her mother's, had been

  • Search is on for family of medal hero

    THE search is on for the family of a brave Redditch man who won the Albert Medal for gallantry in 1913 for saving the life of a young boy. Allan Stanistreet, from Somerset, is researching the history of those who were awarded the civilian medal for acts

  • RAF tackles blazes

    ARSONISTS struck in four separate incidents just hours after Redditch firefighters joined colleagues in a national strike over pay on Wednesday at 6pm. Members of the RAF were drafted in to tackle four car blazes in different areas of the town between

  • 20/11/02 - Officer suffers injury setback

    WORCESTER Rugby Club have been hit by yet another injury blow ahead of their clash at Rotherham. Centre David Officer suffered an ankle injury during training and is now doubtful for the trip to Millmoor on Saturday. It is another setback for Sixways

  • Moving account

    Wythall Forum presents a moving account entitled The Story of War Memorials on Monday. The event is at Wythall Library, May Lane, Hollywood, at 7.45pm and admission costs 75p.

  • Villages in police swap

    COOKHILL and Inkberrow residents are being invited to find out more about changes in policing boundaries which come into force next year at a meeting tomorrow. Worcestershire will be served by two divisions from April 3 - North Worcestershire, covering

  • Remembering

    YOUNGSTERS at Astwood Bank First School have been learning about the meaning of Remembrance Day. Every year, the children make their own poppies and wreaths to place around the village war memorial in Evesham Road.

  • Bromsgrove & District Flower Arranging Society

    AT the October meeting, Eileen Bayliss demonstrated five large and very beautiful arrangements with the theme Designs for October and gave plenty of ideas for members. The next meeting takes place tomorrow at All Saints Church Hall, Burcot Lane, Bromsgrove

  • Malvern & Worcester Breathe Easy Group

    THE AGM took place on November 5 and was attended by 21 members and John Latham, British Lung Foundation Midlands regional manager. Chairman Mike Bowker read the minutes of the 2nd AGM, which were approved. Unfortunately, due to the absence of secretary

  • Redditch Art Circle

    THE chairman opened the November meeting with his report on the recent autumn exhibition. This was probably the most successful exhibition to date with considerable interest being shown by the public. Based on the votes cast at the meeting, the award

  • Studley Daytime WI

    A COLOURFUL display of Christmas decorations, gifts and containers greeted members at the November meeting. They had been arranged by Ms Joyce Parker, who showed how she used her smocking expertise in various clever ways to make attractive articles. Present-day

  • Wythall WI

    The Weatheroak group meeting was held at Wythall Village Hall on the 31st October and hosted by Wythall WI. The evening's theme was suggested by the date and group secretary Mary Glaze welcomed members to a hall decorated with pumpkins, witches and ghosts

  • Poetry is top notch

    NINE-year-old Claire Hurford is the winner of a turtle-themed poetry competition run by the town branch of Cheltenham and Gloucester. Second place went to Charlotte Toomer and third to Kristofer Deykin. They each won a goody bag and an account was set

  • Child seats shock

    AN amazing 88 per cent of child car seats recently checked in Redditch were fitted either incorrectly or insecurely. A drop-in session took place at the town's Halfords superstore where parents could get practical advice on how seats should be fitted.

  • Education means business event

    COLLEGES across Worcestershire are showing businesses the services they can provide to help develop employees. The ''Education Means Business'' event runs all this week until Friday, November 22. It is aimed at company managers involved with staff training

  • Roaring trade please

    REDDITCH Lions are busy raising money in the run-up to Christmas and have been making donations to various good causes. The Lions have donated chocolate Santas to be raffled by the Alexandra League of Friends, Saltways Cheshire Home in Webheath, Macmillan

  • Recognised in the roll of honour

    THE winners in the inaugural Celebrating Learning Achievement Awards, organised by the Learning and Skills Council, Herefordshire and Worcestershire, are: Young Person's Endeavour, Modern Apprentice: Winner: William Childe, VT Plus Training, Hanley Swan

  • Outstanding range of learning achievement

    YOUNG achievers have been recognised in the first awards in the two counties to reward training and development. The Celebrating Learning Achievement Awards were designed to acknowledge individuals who have battled personal difficulties to reach their

  • A class way to help out

    THERE were some high jinks and school day japes at a Redditch company as workers did their bit to help Children in Need on Friday. Female employees of Haldex Brake Products Ltd, based in North Moans Moat, donned their St Trinian's outfits and appealed

  • Village fears result

    PLANS to change the use of a former abattoir in Hollywood are set to be given the go-ahead, despite objections from councillors. The application proposes changing the use of the site at Houndsfield Lane to allow the storage and retail of motorbike parts

  • An event of notes

    A REDDITCH school hit the high notes when it played host to a national tour aimed at getting youngsters to make their own music. The tour, organised by instrument maker Yamaha and the BBC, visited Arrow Vale High School. Students were shown how to write

  • Winning school to blossom

    A REDDITCH school is to benefit from a £5,000 grant which will allow it to improve its garden areas by working with a town charity. Trinity High School, in Easemore Road, won the cash from Barclays Bank under its New Futures community investment programme

  • Green light for Co-op

    THE green light has finally been granted for a new Co-op supermarket in Studley. Despite questions over the design of the store, which will be half the size of the present Pioneer shop in Alcester Street, councillors supported the plans last week. The

  • Drama of job choice

    REDDITCH pupils considering their future career options in the run-up to their GCSEs next year will be given a dramatic insight into how to make their choices next week. Performers visiting Arrow Vale High School on Tuesday will act out everyday scenarios

  • Success at their fingertips

    Students at Trinity High School have IT access falling into their laps after the introduction of more laptop computers to the school. The first students to receive the laptops were those who are studying advanced level Information Technology but it is

  • Heads in plea for support

    REDDITCH headteachers have met county councillors to seek their support over future plans for the county's education system. Walkwood Middle School headteacher Peter Garner said he and his colleagues were concerned following a controversial suggestion

  • High scale hunt

    A TREASURE hunt has been launched in Redditch to locate prizes, medals and cups which were awarded several years ago for musical prowess. Trinity College of Music (TCM) in Redditch used to award trophies to students for certain categories of success in

  • Fancy dress impresses

    NEW College students topped last year's total by raising more than £1,200 for Children in Need. Sixth Form Centre students raised £503, the Student Guild £428 and Early Years department more than £300.


    A FILM MAKER is hoping to put the Faithful City on the cinematic map with a thriller horror movie shot entirely in Worcester. And Matt Muller will need around 100 extras who fancy a few minutes of fame. The film will be Matt's first feature following

  • Witness appeal after arson attack

    POLICE are investigating an arson attack on two cars parked at a Worcestershire caravan site. Two cars were torched at Wheatfield Court, Upton Road, Callow End. Firefighters put out the fires in a red Ford Sierra and a blue Citroen BX after being called

  • Punks pull in charity cash

    SOCIAL service staff swapped their neat hair and office clothes for mohicans and safety pins when they dressed up as punks for Children in Need. The punks, aka Carole Moseley, Gail Hillson, Ade Hargreaves, Carole Bull, Julie Scriven, Sue Hammond and Karen

  • Natalie is chic and cheerful in Paris

    A TOP Worcester model has scooped a prestigious month-long modelling contract in Paris. Natalie Denning, who came fourth in this year's Miss England competition, jetted out to the fashion hotspot on Monday. "She's there until Sunday, December 22," said

  • City heart attack victims in good hands

    HEART attack victims are in safe hands in Worcester, according to a report by the Royal College of Physicians. In the first audit of its kind, the old Worcester Royal Infirmary and the new hospital were found to be among only 33 hospitals nationwide to

  • We are watching thieves, say police

    THIEVES who enter shops from which they have been banned are being warned that police are watching them. The stark message comes after Worcester man Neil West was seen entering The Cookmate Kitchen Shop, in Broad Street, although his bail conditions banned

  • Punjabi officials on a mission

    ABUSED children in India will have a better chance of being saved, thanks to a ground-breaking initiative in Worcestershire. A delegation of top officials from the Punjab, in India, has been spending time with West Mercia Police to learn about child protection

  • Man gave himself up

    A TRAINEE printer was part of a gang which stole more than £30,000 worth of horse boxes and trailers over a three-week period, Worcester Crown Court heard. But Ashley Walters had second thoughts when pressure was put on him to continue the spate of thieving

  • Festive concert

    A DROITWICH Spa classical music club will be getting townsfolk into the Christmas spirit with a festive concert next weekend. Passacaglia will be performing a variety of traditional Christmas music including pastoral harmonies and concertos for the Droitwich

  • Fewer than 1 in 5 crimes ends in a conviction

    FEWER than one in five crimes committed in West Mercia results in a criminal conviction, according to shock Government figures published today. The county's 16.7 per cent conviction rate is better than the average for England and Wales of 13.4 per cent

  • Act in demand

    JIM Worton will be returning to perform at a Droitwich Spa country music club this weekend. The popular act will be starring at the next meeting of the End of the Trail Country Music Club this Saturday night. He performed at the British Legion Club last

  • Free parking to woo shoppers

    FREE car parking and more than 300 new car parking spaces have been allocated to entice shoppers back to Kidderminster for Christmas. Councillor and trade chiefs have urged shoppers to take advantage of the extra spaces laid on to combat the parking crisis

  • Rock band find new drummer

    A NEW drummer has been found for a Bromsgrove rock band, thanks to an appeal in the Advertiser/Messenger. Popular rockers Easy have found a replacement drummer for original member Dave Trimnell, who jetted off to Auckland last month, chasing a once in

  • Soul night

    TOWNSFOLK are being urged to grab tickets for a soulful night out later this month. The Official Recievers are returning to Bromsgrove's Spadesbourne Suite for another charity bash on November 30. The Burcot Lane gig will start at 8pm and all profits

  • Presents in cars invite the thieves

    CHRISTMAS shoppers in Worcester who leave newly-bought presents on display in their cars are issuing an open invitation to smash and grab thieves, a study warns. Spot checks conducted for Autoglass on 1,000 cars in major retail centres across Britain

  • Gentleman John had a wonderful innings

    WORCESTERSHIRE'S agricultural industry is mourning the death of one of its most well-loved characters. Bransford Nursery founder John Tooby passed away on Friday, November 8, at the age of 89. Mr Tooby began managing New House Farm at Bransford in 1936

  • Inquest resumes

    THE inquest into the death of Catherine Ralphs, aged 74, of Newcastle-under-Lyme, who died on Wednesday, August 21, will resume tomorrow at Worcestershire County Coroner's Court, Stourport-on-Severn. The woman was a passenger in a car involved in a collision

  • Pershore's Christmas lights switch-on

    PERSHORE'S Mayor and Mayoress will be switching on the town's Christmas lights on Friday, November 29. Councillors Richard Hampton and Val Wood will be around the Christmas tree, on Broad Street, at 4.30pm for the ceremony. Pershore Town Council and Pershore

  • 20/11/02 - Eggs thrown

    EGGS were thrown at a coach following the Dr Martens Western match between Bromsgrove Rovers and Gresley Rovers. Police were called to the Victoria Ground, in Birmingham Road, on Tuesday, November 12, after eggs were hurled at a vehicle, believed to be

  • 18/11/02 - Trial begins

    ASHLEY Read begins a one-week trial with West Bromwich Albion today. Read, spotted by the Baggies during Rovers' 6-1 pre-season friendly defeat at the Victoria Ground, should still be available for tomorrow night's Birmingham Senior Cup home tie with

  • Plea over dead pup

    STAFF at Arrow Valley Countryside Centre believe an Alsatian puppy they found dead in the car park had been clubbed round the head. The battered three or four-month-old dog was discovered on Sunday morning and centre staff informed the RSPCA. The puppy

  • Bond back for another

    Film review: Die Another Day, UGC Cinema, Broad Street, Birmingham. JAMES Bond may have entered the 21st century in Die Another Day but the essential Bond ingredients are still there, with a few surprises. Without them it wouldn't be Bond. The cars, gadgets

  • Seconds score six

    BROMSGROVE Hockey Club Second XI romped to a 6-1 victory at Rugeley. The Staffordshire side started better and took the lead when a fierce shot was allowed to pass by Evans in the Bromsgrove goal. But from that, the ten men of the visitors took control

  • I can't believe their reaction

    AS a health care professional, I have, in the course of my duties over the last 10 years or so, had occasion to visit clients living in the Dolphin Road bungalows. My first thought when I read the houses were to be demolished by the council was how pleased

  • Alvechurch lose record

    Alvechurch 1 Leamington 2 ON a night when a win would have taken the hosts level on points with league leaders Rugby, Alvechurch bottled it and lost the Premier Division's last unbeaten record. Leamington defender Tom Saunders got in front of Paul Smith

  • Truth and the mosque

    WITH regard to your anonymous correspondent on the issue of the mosque to be built in Redditch (Letters, November 13). Well, let's not let the truth get in the way of good old fashioned prejudice, eh? Firstly, there is no calling of the faithful to prayer

  • Putting town on the map

    BIRMINGHAM City Ladies defender Laura Bassett became the club's first player to be called up to England senior duty. The Blues stalwart was put on standby for England's crucial World Cup qualifier in France and had a late call-up last week when Arsenal's

  • It's time to stop this mis-use of fireworks

    OK, so perhaps I'm a party-pooper and a killjoy but enough is enough. Believe it or not, there is quite a sizeable percentage of the population who do not actually like fireworks. My husband's guide dog has been a nervous wreck for the past fortnight.

  • Desert island frisks please

    I AM an avid reader of and occasional correspondent to your letters page. I have a suggestion which, I think, could improve this section of your newspaper out of all recognition. It is a simple idea based on the recent TV show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me

  • Young family in arson ordeal

    THE lives of two young children and their parents were put at risk when a lit cigarette was pushed through their letterbox in a racially aggravated arson attack last Monday. It happened at a home in Fownhope Close, Winyates East, at about 8.30am. The

  • A burning issue

    WHAT do you think are the chances that the Government will offer me an "insulting and derisory" 11 per cent rise in my pension? None? Yes, that's what I figured. DON VINCENT Middleton Mews Winyates East

  • What sort of answer is this?

    AT least we have now had a response from the Highways Unit to the range of letters you have recently published on the topic of "eye-level litter" posters attached to lampposts. The facts are that the particular three-piece suite company has been advertising

  • Fare result for Emma

    DEBUTANTE Emma Fare scored the only goal as Droitwich Spa Hockey club Ladies Second XI defeated Harbourne Seconds 1-0. Droitwich started well and pressed Harboune's defence frequently, resulting in a well worked goal by newcomer player of the match Fare

  • Ladies earn first point

    REDDITCH Ladies picked up their first point of the season with a 2-2 draw at relegation rivals Bournville at the weekend. The two Worcestershire representatives are propping up the Midlands Region Hockey Women's League Conference with the Bromsgrove Road

  • Draconian measures are not required

    YESTERDAY, we outlined some of the background to the tough decisions Worcester City Council will have to make over the next few weeks and months in order that they balance their budget. The situation looks increasingly gloomy when you look in detail at

  • 100 years ago

    November 22, 1902 William Unitt, farmer, Dagtail, Crabbs Cross, was charged with allowing a pig to stray in an affected area on November 14th. Pc Crockett proved the case. Defendant said the pig broke out. Supt Hayes said the whole of the county was now

  • 25 years ago

    November 18, 1977 REDDITCH children are suffering pain and discomfort for more than two years because waiting lists for ear, nose and throat operations are out of control. And in some cases, surgeons are turning children away because they do not know

  • 20/11/02 Bishop blesses play-off charge

    TORQUAY 2 HARRIERS 2 EVERY young professional must dream of making the kind of Football League debut produced by Kidderminster Harriers super sub Andrew Bishop on Tuesday. With Harriers trailing 2-0 at fellow high-fliers Torquay United and staring their

  • Donors call

    The next session for Redditch blood donors takes place at St Luke's Memorial Hall on Friday, November 29. Sessions run at the Evesham Road venue in Headless Cross from 2-3.45pm and 5-7.15pm. For details, call 08457 711 711 or visit

  • 20/11/02 - Goal drought must be ended

    JUST how are Worcester City going to arrest their goalscoring drought? It's now six hours and nine minutes of competitive action since they last found the net - Mark Owen in the 2-0 win over Cambridge City on October 19. Four subsequent games have brought

  • Inmates in toilet torment

    A REPORT on the state of Blakenhurst Prison near Redditch has criticised a regime which means inmates are spending longer in their cells where they have to eat within feet of unscreened toilets. The HMP Blakenhurst Board of Visitors report also said last

  • Tough Millers match

    FECKENHAM face a week to make-or-break their faltering season with a relegation battle sandwiched between two mouthwatering cup ties. The Valley tenants were set to visit Dr Martens Western side Evesham United in their Worcester Royal Infirmary Senior

  • Sex shame of taxi driver

    A Redditch taxi driver exposed himself to two 13-year-old schoolgirls, Worcester Crown Court heard. Mohammed Fiaz was on his way home from work when he lowered his trousers and flashed at the victims from a gap between bushes, said Tariq Shakoor, prosecuting

  • Cameras keep safety in focus

    CCTV continues to keep a watchful eye on the town centre a year after its launch. Last week saw the first anniversary of CCTV in Redditch and in the last 12 months, operators have been involved in hundreds of incidents, contacting the police where appropriate

  • Hole lot of chaos ahead

    Engineers have been working round the clock after a huge hole appeared in a Redditch road on Friday morning. A sewer collapsed along Ipsley Street in Smallwood and the sheer size of the hole means it will take at least a week to repair. Highways manager

  • LEE AYRES - Centre-back. 28/8/82. 6ft 2ins. Squad number 16.

    Rangy Ayres joined Harriers as a youth-team player from Walsall but progressed to the reserves after impressing at the heart of the defence. A big future is predicted for the youngster who signed a two-year deal and made his competitive debut in the tough

  • DANNY WILLIAMS - Midfield 12/7/79. 6ft 1in. Squad number 4.

    After starting off as a trainee at Liverpool, Williams was released at the age of 19 to return to his native Wrexham. The Wales U-21 international played on-off for the Second Division club but made a good impression with many for his uncompromising style

  • DEAN BENNETT - Midfield 13/12/77. 6ft. Squad number 7.

    Bennett was a then club record buy of £30,000 from rivals Bromsgrove Rovers in January 1999 and proved a goal-scoring menace to Conference opponents in the title-winning season. The ex-England semi-professional international signed a two-year deal at

  • SEAN FLYNN - Midfield. 13/3/68. 5ft 8ins. Squad number 21.

    Vastly-experienced Flynn took over the captaincy in Mark Blake's absence after putting pen to paper on a year's deal before the first league game with Lincoln. The influential central or right-sided midfielder is known for his tough tackling and will

  • Homes set for refusal

    PLANS for a huge residential and industrial development in Lakeside look set for refusal by Redditch Council. Quinton Hazell Automotive Ltd, which makes parts for the motor industry, is due to close its factory in Arrowdale Road in March 2003 because

  • BO HENRIKSEN - Forward. 7/2/75. 5ft 10ins. Squad number 12.

    A player with an impressive reputation in homeland Denmark, Henriksen signed a two-and-a-half year deal at Aggborough in February 2002. The flamboyant striker, who impressed in an initial three-month loan spell with an immaculate first touch, signed from

  • Town flying

    REDDITCH continued their unbeaten run in Division Two of the Birmingham League with another win, at home against Bushbury. Boards 1 to 5 all drew and Ian Clack won on board 6 to snatch maximum points. Ian was also instrumental in Division Five gaining

  • Music treats in store

    AN evening of musical delights will be held to raise money for the Primrose Hospice and Cancer Help Centre on Saturday, December 7. The Primrose Choir Christmas Concert will take place in St Luke's Memorial Hall, Headless Cross, from 7.30pm. Not only

  • Festive fun

    Studley Scout group will be holding its annual Christmas bingo on Saturday. Doors at the Studley Scouts HQ in High Street open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start and all money raised goes to group funds.

  • In the spirit

    People can start getting in the festive spirit with a Christmas market on Saturday at Mappleborough Green village hall from 11am-4.30pm.

  • Bishop strike rescues Harriers

    HARRIERS super sub Andy Bishop made the sort of debut every young pro dreams about as Kidderminster came back from 2-0 down to draw 2-2 at Torquay United last night. Within six minutes of his 54th minute introduction the 20-year-old loan signing from

  • Officer suffers injury setback

    WORCESTER Rugby Club have been hit by yet another injury blow ahead of their clash at Rotherham. Centre David Officer suffered an ankle injury during training and is now doubtful for the trip to Millmoor on Saturday. It is another setback for Sixways

  • Walker dreams are dashed

    YACHTSMAN Ian Walker, who was born in Worcester, saw his dreams of America's Cup glory vanish in Auckland yesterday. Walker and the rest of the GBR Challenge team lost the Louis Vuitton Cup quarter-final against Dennis Conner's American syndicate Stars

  • Residents' shop open

    A NEW community shop in Woodrow offering a range of services has finally opened to the public following a £25,000 facelift. A number of agencies will operate from the former hairdressers unit in the Woodrow Centre, including the Citizens Advice Bureau

  • 18/11/02 - Wolves open league account

    WORCESTER Wolves clinched their first National Basketball League Division One win of the season when they beat the Black Country Bears 94-72 at Stourbridge. Wolves gave a National League debut to Tom Thornton, while Paul Gerald made a welcome return from

  • Boost for nursery

    A nursery has been awarded £20,000 from the Government's New Opportunities Fund to create new places for children. Little Sneakers Nursery in Studley, which runs a breakfast club and after-school club, was awarded the cash after it made a consortium bid

  • 20/11/02 - United after rare upset

    REDDITCH United are tonight set to complete the Second Round of the Birmingham Senior Cup at Nigel Clough's Conference newcomers Burton Albion. The Brewers will be more interested in their FA Cup First Round replay at home to Second Division high-fliers

  • Saracens shine to clinch easy triumph

    WORCESTER Saracens maintained their position at the top of The National Netball League Division Seven with a convincing 55-28 win over a young Woodley side. Saracens started the match nervously and took time to settle. They missed a few shots during the

  • Appeal on mast

    THE fears of Headless Cross residents may be realised after a mobile phone company appealed over a decision made by Redditch Council earlier this year. Hutchinson G3 applied to put an 11m monopole and equipment cabinet on land off Windmill Drive in Callow

  • Cemetery to re-open

    PLYMOUTH Road cemetery is set to re-open next month following extensive safety work to memorials. The cemetery is due to open to the public on Monday, December 2. A Redditch Council spokesman said visitors would be aware of the many memorials that had

  • Concert sets Advent tone

    A CONCERT featuring the finest classical Yuletide music is set to be staged at the Palace Theatre at the beginning of Advent. Carols By Candlelight includes Rejoice from the Messiah, The Corelli Christmas Concerto, Mozart's piano quartet in G Minor and

  • Works to cut speed

    WORK started this week to create a new 40mph speed limit on the A435 through Mappleborough Green. The work by the Highways Agency, due to last three weeks, will see red surfacing installed at the end of the dual carriageway section at Gorcott Hill, along

  • Triangle safe for nature

    RESIDENTS may finally see an area of greenery on the edge of Redditch designated green belt land after years of trying to stop development. Stratford Council's executive committee has decided Winyates Green Triangle, off Far Moor Lane, should be protected

  • Four wins in a row for Spa

    DROITWICH Spa RFC First XV made it four wins in a row with a 21-10 victory over table proppers Coventry Welsh at the Glyn Mitchell Memorial Ground. In difficult conditions last Saturday, Droitwich dominated the early exchanges of their Midlands Four West

  • Colts lose narrowly

    BROMSGROVE Colts lost 12-10 at Hereford in a fiery clash punctuated with crucial mistakes. The visitors could not take advantage of the slope and became frustrated. Hereford were also warned for over-vigorous play, eventually leading to a second row player

  • Housing set for rejection

    PROPOSALS to develop housing on the site of a former DIY store in Greenlands look set to be rejected. MKA Management Consultants have applied for outline planning permission from Redditch Council for the 1.1 hectare site, formerly a Texas DIY store, in

  • The Curious Savage Wythall Theatre Company Palace Theatre

    Three star THE fantastic Estelle Shutkever returns as the lead in this comedy with a moral message 40 years after appearing as Fairy May in the same play when Wythall first performed it in 1962. Blurb in the programme about Estelle, who plays Mrs Ethel

  • Unbreakable - The Greatest Hits Vol. I Westlife

    One star What can you say? 19 of what they feel are their greatest hits with the only good one being a cover - Uptown Girl. I doubt any member of Westlife had been 'living in a downtown world' in the past three years after the release of the first single

  • Pantomime fun

    Festive fun lies in store for all the family when the Rowney Green Players present pantomime Dick Turpin this week. The show, featuring plenty of slapstick and the essential pantomime cow, runs at Rowney Green Peace Hall from today until Saturday. Tickets

  • Justified Justin Timberlake

    Five star IT WAS with a heavy heart that I approached my CD player with Justin. Could this former boyband cutie and celebrated boyfriend of Britney do enough to hold any musical kudos for a whole album? Well he could - more than enough. This first CD

  • Have You Fed the Fish? Badly Drawn Boy

    Three star BADLY Drawn Boy continues his third album (if you count the About A Boy soundtrack) very much where he left off. He's already proved himself to be a creative force for good and justly so but whether this lives up to his previous work is questionable

  • A Night in Paris Diana Krall

    Five star Faultless! What skill and mastery this young Canadian has. She can sing with a husky emotion reminiscent of Janis Ian, play a mean piano and choose fantastic songs to showcase her talents. This atmospheric album, which was recorded live, is

  • Horses line up

    CELTADELIC rockers Bluehorses are set to unveil their new line-up at Huntingdon Hall on Friday. Sharing stages with bands as diverse as the Levellers, Hawkwind and Oysterband, the Wales-based group has spent much of the last seven years on the road, honing

  • What's On Guide

    Thursday, November 21 Festive Gift Fair, Birmingham NEC. Until November 24. Tickets from 0870 909 4133. Company of Angels, Hannah and Hanna, Warwick Arts Centre. And November 22. Tickets from 024 7652 4524. Band of the United States Army, Europe, Civic

  • On the road to Cardiff

    A SIX-a-side football team from Aston Fields moved a step closer to the Millennium Stadium after fighting off tough competition to be crowned North Worcestershire champions. The team, from Aston Fields Middle School, in Drummond Road, came out on top

  • Sophie selected by FA

    A BROMSGROVE footballer is aiming for the top after being selected for a FA programme. Sophie Newnes, of Planetree Road, plays for Birmingham City Ladies U12s and Bromsgrove Town Boys U11s. But last month she was selected at trials as one of 15 girls

  • Five-a-side keeps Rovers in shape

    Advertiser/Messenger Sports Editor STEVE CARLEY goes behind the scenes at Bromsgrove Rovers. WHEN Bromsgrove Rovers managers Gary Hackett and Jon Ford suggested I go training with the team I thought they were joking. They weren't. The subject was continually

  • Harborne lose again as Olympic catch up

    SPORTING Harborne suffered their second successive defeat in the Bromsgrove Football League division one after losing 2-1 at home to Alvechurch Darts. New Olympic made up ground on the leaders with a hard fought 3-2 win over Bromsgrove Town while in form

  • Latest results

    LAST Sunday's action in the Redditch and South Warwickshire Football Combination. Terry Cup Second Round - HDA 5 (Whittington three, Whitmore two) Millfield OB 1 (Brad); Garringtons Sunday 5 (Pincher two, Johnston two, Blankley) Sherwood Rangers 3. BSA

  • Night trains

    DEAR EDITOR - A recent front page story mentioned the uncertainty facing '144' Birmingham - Bromsgrove evening bus services. As an alternative, readers may like to know that fast train services operate late at night on Mondays to Fridays at Bromsgrove

  • Redditch record first league win

    REDDITCH skipper Stan Hull says his priority is the league ahead of this weeks North Midlands Shield opener at Tenbury. The Kingfishers visit lower division Tenbury in the cup on Saturday (ko 2.30pm) and will hope to avoid becoming another higher division

  • Hotel plan 'criminal'

    DEAR EDITOR - Can I clarify some points on the Worcestershire Brine Baths Hotel? It was built in 1891 by John Corbett, the Salt King, to allow visiting patients accommodation while using the Brine Baths to help their convalescence. It has been closed

  • Upton win lifts Rush

    WOODRUSH climbed to mid-table security with a 15-9 win over Upton at the weekend. Skipper Paul Moore was forced to chop and change through injuries and had a couple of first teamers unavailable because they were watching the internationals. Jacko Maddocks

  • Torquay United 2 Kidderminster Harriers 2

    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 HARRIERS super sub Andy Bishop made the sort of debut every young pro dreams about as Kidderminster came back from 2-0 down to draw 2-2 at Torquay United last night. Within six minutes of his 54th minute introduction the 20-

  • A treasure trove of Christmas Days past

    When Christmas Comes: An Anthology of Childhood Christmases compiled by Anne Harvey (Sutton £9.99) SOLDIER-poet Edward Thomas wrote to his wife towards the end of 1916 breaking the bad news that he had not been granted seasonal leave. He would instead

  • The student with officer potential

    COMMITTING yourself to a career when you are still studying for your GCSEs might seem a bit premature for the majority of city youngsters. But for Worcester teenager Kirstie Thompson, it was an easy option to make. Now 17 years old and in the second year

  • 50 years ago November 22, 1952

    MORE prehistoric finds had been unearthed at a gravel pit at Upton Warren, following the exciting discoveries last year. The latest was a part of a mammoth and a rhino jaw, complete with teeth. ANTHONY Nutting, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

  • 100 years ago November 22, 1902

    OPINIONS were divided on the suitability of a new stone and marble pulpit to be installed in St John's Parish Church, Bromsgrove. Some believed it would be out of place in the fine old building. The present oak pulpit had replaced an elaborate three decker

  • Dodders stage Aladdin

    THE festive season is upon us again and what better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to enjoy the annual pantomime from a Bromsgrove drama group. The Fairbourne Dodders will be wishing for a magic lamp to bring them a lively audience when they

  • Puppets to reveal a wintery tale

    A CHILLING performance of the Snow Queen is planned at Bromsgrove Library to get youngsters into the festive spirit. Two puppet shows will be held at the Windsor Street venue on Saturday, November 23, at 11am and 2pm. Clive Chandler and his puppet friends

  • Lost in black hole known as the EU

    IS this another first for British scientists, the discovery of a black hole? These objects turn the whole field of astro-physics on its head. As you may know, black holes absorb every kind of material, and once absorbed nothing can escape, not even light

  • Give us a treat this Christmas

    GIVE a homeless pet a festive treat this Christmas. That's the message from staff at the Blue Cross animal adoption centre in Catshill, Bromsgrove, as they gear up for their Christmas appeal. There will be many pets at the centre during the festivities

  • Henderson drives to his fourth championship

    A BROMSGROVE Rally driver has won his fourth British Tarmacadam Championships in six years with two rounds to spare. Iain Henderson, together with co-driver Paul Farley, drove their TRACKER-sponsored Subaru Impreza to the title despite only competing

  • Cabbie puts foot down over fees

    A TAXI driver is ready to challenge Bromsgrove District Council in court over paying a license fee. Bromsgrove's cabbies are up in arms because the council still insists they pay for a private hire operators license, months after a court case found otherwise

  • Martial art matters

    A GROUP of youngsters from a Spa school have been learning a new hobby - aimed at increasing their self confidence and self control. Fifteen pupils from Chawson First School, in Wyche Road, began Tae Kwon Do lessons at the beginning of the month, thanks

  • Disabled and girls new fitness targets

    NEW activity sessions, aimed at girls over 11, and young people with disabilities, are being offered in a series of after school workshops. Pilot classes in Ju-Jitsu, self defence and dance have proved so popular that leisure chiefs at Bromsgrove District

  • Spa goes Pudsey crazy

    DRESSING up, hair waxing and hula dancing were just some of the zany antics enjoyed by Droitwich Spa folk who collected bags of cash for BBC's Children in Need. Fundraising fever swept across the town on Friday when individuals, schools, businesses and

  • Yuletide gifts

    YULETIDE surprises are winging their way to impoverished eastern European children thanks to thoughtful tots from a Droitwich Spa village. Youngsters at Wychbold First and Nursery School are once again backing Operation Christmas Child. This national

  • At the eye of the storm

    THE Spa's MP has found himself at the centre of the debate on Iraqi weapons after a top level visit to the United Nations (UN) in America. Mid-Worcestershire Tory MP Peter Luff has just returned from a two-day visit to the UN in New York to discuss Iraq's

  • Pupils clean up their act

    SPA schoolchildren will soon take part in a campaign to increase their awareness about litter recycling. Students at Droitwich Spa High School, in Briar Mill, received a slice of £1m which is being handed out to schools across West Midlands by Barclays

  • Students hit by bus cuts

    SCHOOLCHILDREN are the latest victims of bus route cutbacks in Droitwich Spa. The First bus company has sent notice of deregistration to Worcestershire County Council, expressing the company's intention to discontinue various services. Commercial buses

  • Five star swimmers

    FIVE girls from a Droitwich Spa school have fought off competition from across the Midlands to win a swimming competition for the first time. The team of 11, 12 and 13-year-olds from Whitford Hall and Dodderhill School, in Crutch Lane, beat 13 other teams

  • Barnt Green slump in bid to get Carter

    CARTER Retail A put in the performance of the week in division one of the Bromsgrove and Redditch Table Tennis League with an easy 9-1 win at Barnt Green A. Carter Retail had David Rogers back in the team and, together with Mark Fiddian, won their three

  • 'Coming apart at the seams'

    ANGRY parents have formed an action group to tackle poor conditions for pupils and teachers at Alcester High School Technology College. The group claims the school is 'fraying at the edges and coming apart at the seams' after several extensions over the

  • Quit threat in Greig cash row

    SHIPSTON and Southam councillors have threatened to resign if Alcester gets £2.5 million for the Greig Centre and grammar school re-development. Now four major players involved in securing the money have written to Stratford Council urging it give the

  • Deputy offers to leave post

    ALCESTER'S Deputy Mayor has offered to resign from his post. Malcolm Graham said work commitments at Warwickshire County Council had meant he had missed three of the last four meetings which he said was 'not acceptable.' Mayor Ron Leek asked councillors

  • Caravans spotted

    POLICE have towed away five stolen touring caravans worth £50,000 from a Bidford Gypsy site. A cross-force operation to identify and seize stolen caravans was carried out by a team of 40 officers at the Friday Furlong encampment at about 10am last Tuesday

  • Top award for reserve

    THE River Arrow Nature Reserve in Alcester has won a prestigious Green Flag award. The reserve is one of three places in the district, which have won the award. Awards were given for spaces which were welcoming, healthy, safe, clean and well maintained

  • Lighting up tree with love

    AN Alcester woman will be joining hundreds of others at a Light up a Life event at a Stratford hospice. Thelma Woolerton, a volunteer and shop helper for Shakespeare Hospice, will be lighting a light to remember her parents Kate and William Stokes at

  • Choc party needs a Boost

    ALCESTER chocoholics are invited to a party in aid of two town children next week. Samantha Brockie, 11, suffers from Mucopolysaccharide disease (MPS) which affects all major organs and causes malformation of bones. Twenty-one month-old Charlie-Anne Avery

  • Yobs force shock cuts to buses

    THREE popular bus routes will no longer run after 6pm because of continued vandalism and anti-social behaviour, the Redditch Advertiser can reveal. The changes to the 57, 58 and 59 routes run by First are just part of further drastic cuts to services

  • Council must act

    Once again the future of the Greig Centre is in the balance unless funding from Stratford Council is made available (Chronicle, November 13). Since its inception, David Greig's generous gesture to the town has proved the envy of other towns. Unfortunately


    Sat July 13 Stratford Town (a) 1-1 Lewis Mon July 15 Evesham United (a) 4-0 Ducros, Broughton, Corbett, Shilton Fri July 19 Reading (h) 2-4 Broughton, Henriksen Sun July 21 Solihull Borough (a) 3-4 Shilton, Foster (pen), Corbett Wed July 24 Wolverhampton

  • Christmas is on its way

    THE Kingfisher Centre has been a hive of festive activity over the last fortnight as shoppers flocked in to start their Christmas shopping. People have already taken advantage of Sunday shopping, including free parking, and can now enjoy late-night shopping

  • Crews busy

    Redditch fire crews were called to two car fires, a three-car traffic accident and a boiler blaze at the weekend. Crews were called out to a car fire in Oakenshaw about an hour after they had ended a national 48-hour strike over pay. A fire spokesman

  • Hi Life gym

    Fitness club chain Hi Life, which has a club in Alcester Street, has gone into administration, not receivership, as reported in last week's Redditch Advertiser.

  • Shine for a loved one

    THE annual Tree of Light fundraising appeal for the Primrose Hospice has been officially launched in the Kingfisher Centre by town Mayor Steve Wheeler. Crowds gathered on Thursday around the Christmas Tree in Walford Walk as the Primrose Choir and Trinity

  • Bromsgrove Rovers fixtures and results 2002/2003

    HOME, away (Dr Martens Western fixtures unless stated) JULY Thu 18 Cradley Town (Friendly) 1-0 (Crisp) Sat 20 WEST BROMWICH ALBION (Friendly) 1-6 (Burgess) Tue 23 STOURBRIDGE (Friendly) 1-3 (Lloyd) Sat 27 WILLENHALL TOWN (Friendly) 2-0 (Laydon, Palmer

  • Digby's in town

    Kingsley College in Woodrow will be officially opened next week by CBI director general Digby Jones. The school, which was the old Leys School in Woodrow Drive, merged with Bridley Moor School under the Redditch Review. Mr Jones will be cutting the ribbon

  • Plans for homes up for refusal

    OUTLINE plans for a residential development on the site of a vacant transporter depot in Alvechurch have been recommended for refusal despite a 213-signature petition in support of them. The application involves building 24 two to five-bed houses on the

  • Eggs thrown

    EGGS were thrown at a coach following the Dr Martens Western match between Bromsgrove Rovers and Gresley Rovers. Police were called to the Victoria Ground, in Birmingham Road, on Tuesday, November 12, after eggs were hurled at a vehicle, believed to be

  • Colourful idea

    YOUNGSTERS in Redditch will be able to have some creative fun while helping other children. The Early Learning Centre (ELC) in Evesham Walk, will be letting kids go crazy with glitter pens and cotton wool to decorate baubles, stockings and presents. For

  • Crabbs Cross & Hunt End WI

    THE November meeting was the AGM, chaired by president Hilary Taylor with county voluntary organiser Jackie Gregory conducting the election for the coming year. A sponsored knit-in is to be held at the home of Sue Lawson. In December, together with other

  • Kingfisher WI

    THE annual meeting was taken by vice-president May Lloyd and Pam Day was on holiday. The officiating WI advisor was Freda Davies, who spoke about the federation WI holidays available, which she organises. There were no new committee members and two had

  • Merry Wives of Alcester

    AT the November 12 meeting, members were taken on a gentle meander through the beautiful counties of Buckinghamshire and Berkshire. Along with her own colourful, uplifting slides taken through various seasons, Irene, with the help of her sister Ann, showed

  • Redditch Photographic Society

    THE November 5 meeting was a lecture by Mr A Low entitled Iceland. Mr Low said he had been fortunate with good weather as it could easily been dull and foggy. Indeed, it is often impossible to land a plane there. Members saw a selection of slides showing

  • Royal British Legion

    Rous Lench and Inkberrow branch MEMBERS of the branch were joined by county vice-chairman Mr J A King, county secretary Mrs Hannon and county poppy appeal co-ordinator Mr Hannon as they stood in silent tribute to their fallen comrades at the start of

  • Wythall Gardening Club

    SPEAKER Mr T Mills gave an excellent talk on tulips at the November meeting. Mr Mills not only grows and shows tulips, but also acts as a judge at shows. His enthusiasm for his subject was apparent and laced with Black Country humour; the evening covered

  • Wythall Photographic Society

    THE society enjoyed an evening with Malcolm Kus, who judged the first slide competition. The winner of the primary section was Mike Pearson with 'Fishy Business'. Mike was also second with 'Tranquil Sunrise'. Dave Keel won the secondary section with '

  • Winning chippy is frying high

    A REDDITCH chippy has won a prestigious award for the excellent standard of its food. George's Fish Bar in Shakespeare Avenue, Lodge Park, scooped the Sea Fish Fryers' Quality Award last week. Quality fish and chips runs in the family for Mr Georgiou

  • Step Out steps in to save caf

    THE sudden closure of the town's first internet caf has prompted a Redditch homeless charity to step in to set up a similar project in its wake. The Knowledge Caf in Smallwood, set up to help disadvantaged people, was forced to close down after desperate

  • UK hit by European competition

    INVESTMENT in the UK slumped in the first half of this year, hit by the downturn in the telecoms industry and tougher competition from Central Europe, a report said today. The survey, by accountancy firm Ernst & Young, said the number of new investment

  • Key role for MEP

    A WEST Midlands Euro MP has become the first British MP to land a key role in the European Parliament as the ''champion of small business''. Philip Bushill-Matthews has been appointed vice-chairman of the SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) Circle

  • Anger at lorry jam

    ASTWOOD Bank parents and villagers were angered when more heavy lorries caused hold-ups while delivering to the controversial Popes Lane By-Products incinerator site. A crane rolled up at 8.40am on Friday just as parents were dropping children off at

  • Designer triumphs

    NEW College students have been making their mark on the design industry on both a local and national scale. Elizabeth Austin, from Redditch, is responsible for the design of the now infamous Roundabouts of Redditch calendar, produced by Lakeside company

  • Nazrul has sights set on Bangladesh

    DISGRACED ex-councillor Nazrul Islam could become an adviser within the Bangladeshi Government he has exclusively revealed to the Evening News. The former Worcester city councillor was given a nine-month jail sentence, suspended for two years, after forging

  • Council tax cut for flood-hit homeless

    FLOOD victims in Worcester have welcomed news that they will save money on their council tax bills if they are forced out of their homes. Housing Minister Nick Raynsford said he was awarding councils across Worcestershire discretionary powers to reduce

  • Beat the jams by catching the bus

    CHRISTMAS shoppers will be able to use the park-and-ride service in Worcester to avoid jams and queues for car parking in the city centre. The Worcester North Park and Ride service, at Droitwich Road, is getting ready to cater for more users. More than

  • Youth in court over dumb-bell damage

    A WORCESTER man damaged a car when he threw a dumb-bell up in the air during a violent argument. Stuart Clark, whose mother had gone on holiday to Scotland, was in her house with another man when the argument took place. The 18-year-old admitted criminal

  • Students discover the real price of a kiss

    STUDENTS at Droitwich High School puckered up in aid of three charities. The kiss auction, in which students bid to snog a group of classmates, was part of the week of lunchtime fund-raising fun by the Sixth Form. "The kiss auction went really well,"

  • Town's baby classes cut

    EXPECTANT mums and dads have had their parent care classes stopped because of staff shortages in the county's midwifery department. But the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust insists it has used the staffing situation as an opportunity to review

  • A magical trip over the Malvern Hills

    A WORCESTER artist will be taking art-lovers on a magical journey when she exhibits her paintings of the Malvern Hills. Patricia Marshall will have around 30 contemporary and traditional paintings of the Hills on display when she holds her exhibition

  • The mysteries that remain...

    TWO years ago, police and forensic scientists returned to Norton Barracks near Worcester, to carry out a fingerprint search in their 16-year hunt for missing estate agent Suzy Lamplugh. This is just one of many high profile murders which police have failed

  • Abandoned dogs need loving homes

    THEY are going barking mad at Tibberton's Danemere Kennels under the seasonal influx of dogs waiting to be re-homed. Instead of the usual dozen dogs at the kennels, there are currently 19, with 10 more on the waiting list. "It seems to be going crazy

  • Art from the Ukraine goes on display

    WORKS by distinguished Ukrainian artists are being exhibited at Malvern's Lyttelton House Gallery following a concert by the Boyan Ensemble of Kiev. The exhibition will include a mixture of landscape, still life and figurative pieces dating from the early

  • Tiny Toby disappears from van

    A TINY Yorkshire terrier called Toby has disappeared from a van after thieves smashed a window. Distraught owners David Lewis and Anne Fowler believe the thieves snatched the black and tan miniature terrier, who was wearing a green tartan collar with

  • Historic Tenbury treasure in Buckingham Palace exhibition

    A MAGNIFICENT and historic treasure from St Michael's, near Tenbury Wells, that was sold in 1911, has made its mark in the more noble setting of Buckingham Palace. The heavily embossed silver and blue bible, now resting in a glass cabinet in the palace's

  • Bromsgrove Rovers 0 Moor Green 3

    Tuesday, November 19, 2002 BROMSGROVE Rovers crashed out of the Birmingham Senior Cup following a 3-0 second round defeat by Moor Green at the Victoria Ground. The scoreline slightly flattered the visitors from the Dr Martens Premier Division and they

  • Taunton Town 0 Bromsgrove Rovers 3

    Saturday, November 16, 2002 AREAS of Taunton are named after one of England's finest poets - William Wordsworth. So it was fitting that Bromsgrove Rovers should choose Wordsworth Drive to perform like poetry in motion to defeat one of the Dr Martens Western's

  • 20/11/02 - Ready for Rocester

    BROMSGROVE Rovers entertain Rocester this Saturday aiming for their third successive Dr Martens Western win. Rovers, who won 1-0 at Rocester in September, go into the game after scoring seven goals in two matches. Their latest success, a 3-0 victory at

  • 20/11/02 - Peters stays

    BROMSGROVE Rovers midfield transfer target Mark Peters is staying with Gresley Rovers. Peters, who has been in talks with Gary Hackett and Jon Ford in recent weeks, will remain with the Moatmen for their own Dr Martens Western campaign. Peters has just

  • On the case

    Police are hunting four youths who stole a case of beer from the One Stop convenience store in Alcester Road, Studley, at about 10.45pm on Thursday. The youths, aged between about 15 and 19, drove off towards Birmingham in a Ford Escort. Anyone with information

  • Rugby increase lead

    ALVECHURCH'S 2-1 home defeat to Leamington saw them fall six points behind leaders Rugby who won an astonishing match 8-5 at Coventry Sphinx. Church have a game in hand but have fallen eight goals behind their rivals in goal difference terms. Bottom club

  • Witness plea after burglary

    POLICE are appealing for witnesses to a distraction burglary nearly a month after it happened. The occupants of a home in Bromsgrove Road, Batchley, had an undisclosed sum of cash go missing on Thursday, October 17, after they opened the door to a man

  • Evesham shocked

    Evesham United 1 Feckenham 2 GOALKEEPER Dave Inman was Feckenham's hero as the Midland Combination strugglers sent Evesham crashing out of the Worcester Royal Infirmary Challenge Cup. Inman produced a series of sparkling stops and clutched a last-ditch

  • Drug mum sent to jail

    A drug trafficker trapped by a motoring bungle has been jailed for five years at Worcester Crown Court. But Judge David McEvoy QC said the Court of Appeal may wish to 'consider the safety' of Kirsty Webb's conviction by a jury of possessing 7,068 ecstasy

  • It's time to stop this mis-use of fireworks

    I LOVE fireworks and bonfire night, really I do! However, what I do object to is myself, my family and my animals being subjected to "November 5th" fireworks right through from September to November and then, in all probability, again from Christmas through

  • Firm denying harsh reality

    WE write in reply to the Esso spokesman's comments in your November 6 issue. Esso's public affairs department claims the company takes climate change "extremely seriously" but Esso continues to deny what everyone knows - that its products contribute to

  • Frustration will reign at waste tip

    EARLY this morning (Monday), I took some waste materials down to the public amenity site (rubbish tip) in Crossgates Road. I arrived to be greeted by a sign that the site was "temporarily closed" and the nearest alternative was Romsley. I assume this

  • Theatre hasn't let me down

    I WAS disappointed that one of your readers was not happy after a visit to the Palace Theatre. Myself and my two daughters visited the Palace on November 6 to see Heart And Soul and what a fantastic time we had. The atmosphere was great and the staff

  • Opponents a Yard better

    REDDITCH Hockey Club slipped to second in the league after a 2-1 defeat at home to Yardley on Saturday. The victors went top and a week after predicting the title was a three horse race between Oswestry, Redditch and Bromsgrove, Redditch skipper Tom Hiles

  • Magnum to step-up

    TEAM Legs 11 will be stepping up in class next season after deciding to enter a two man team in the British Supersport Series. The team have retained the high-profile support of Birmingham lapdancing club Legs 11 but have reverted to their Magnum Motorsports

  • Seconds held to a draw

    BROMSGROVE Hockey Club Ladies Second XI were held to a 1-1 draw at Bournville. After a blank first half, Bournville scored within 10 minutes of the re-start only for Sarah Gormley to equalise three minutes later. Bromsgrove goalkeeper Bernie Mackie later

  • Matthew's medals

    WYTHALL star Matthew Wilkes continued an impressive season with another four medals at the Disability Sport England National Short Course Championships in Sheffield. The disabled swimmer's previous best from the Ponds Forge championships was a single

  • 50 years ago

    November 21, 1952 When the Duke of Edinburgh opened the Cycle and Motor Cycle Show at Earls Court, London, on Saturday, he was presented with a bicycle made in Redditch for his son, Prince Charles, who celebrated his fourth birthday the day before. The

  • Bend it like... Davis

    REDDITCH hotshot Jimmy Davis is inching nearer a dream Premiership debut for Man Utd and if called upon he will be asked to fill David Beckham's boots. The 20-year-old has one of the toughest jobs in world football because he favours the right midfield

  • Cross top aim

    TITLE-hopefuls Headless Cross Ladies return to West Midlands League action on Sunday after a two week lay-off. Cross visit league newcomers Banbury and the pressure is on to win all their remaining fixtures with Division One South title rivals Kidderminster

  • United target

    REDDITCH United Women crashed out of the County Cup at the weekend after an eight goal hammering from Premier Division Stratford Ladies. Manager Steve Tayler said he was disappointed with the performance and set his side a target of nine points from their

  • Home for Studley

    AFTER being drawn out of the hat away from home in six potential cup draws in a row Studley are getting set for two home draws in the space of four days. Bees chairman Dave Robinson has been left cursing his luck after his team were given daunting away

  • STUART BROCK - Goalkeeper. 26/9/76. 6ft 1ins. Squad number 1.

    Released by Aston Villa, Brock signed for Harriers in September 1997 after a short spell at Northampton Town where he failed to make an appearance. He made his Harriers first-team debut in November of the same year and has proved himself a fine shot-stopper

  • DREWE BROUGHTON - Forward. 25/10/78. 6ft 3ins. Squad number 9.

    Tall target-man who made an immediate impact with his aggression, spirit and goal-scoring on being signed for £50,000 from Peterborough in January 2001. Despite his disciplinary problems, Broughton is a first choice when fit and wins a lot of aerial challenges

  • Spooky stories

    AN evening of other world encounters and supernatural tales lie in store in Inkberrow next weekend. Mouthpiece Theatre Company presents Between The Worlds II at the Bulls Head Inn on Saturday, November 30, and Sunday, December 1. Playwright and storyteller

  • ANDY BISHOP - Striker. 19/10/82. 6ft.

    Has joined Harriers on loan for a month from Division One side Walsall to gain experience of first-team football. A prolific scorer in the youth teams at the Bescot Stadium, Bishop also found the net for the reserves this season but was yet to make his

  • Redditch take fourth in Speedo meet

    Redditch Swimming Club finished in fourth place behind Stratford Sharks in the second round of the National Speedo League - West Midlands. Sarah Holtom got the gala underway for Redditch with a superb swim to take first place in the Ladies Open IM. Paul

  • Festive fun for OAPs

    Pensioners across Redditch can get into the festive spirit at a Christmas party on Tuesday, December 10. The event, which will be held at the town hall from 1-4pm, has been organised by Sunset Pensioners Club and will include a buffet and entertainment

  • Infirmed! Shadow squad shocked

    Evesham Utd 1, Feckenham 2 ANOTHER embarrassing exit from the Worcester Royal Infirmary Challenge Cup on a night when Evesham's fringe players failed miserably to impress their boss ... and more importantly the Common Road faithful. Not that that many

  • Rovers suffer as Lamey bags two

    BROMSGROVE Rovers crashed out of the Birmingham Senior Cup last night as Moor Green cruised to a 3-0 victory at the Victoria Ground. Moor Green took the lead as early as the second minute when Nathan Lamey struck a low shot past Matt Lowe following good

  • Youthful Evesham bow out of the cup

    AN Evesham United side containing several trialists and youth team players bowed out of the Worcester Royal Infirmary Challenge Cup last night losing 2-1 at home to Feckenham in the first round. Brian Powell gave the visitors a 35th minute lead and Justin

  • 16/11/02 - Wolves aim to break the ice against Bears

    WORCESTER Wolves are targeting tomorrow's local derby at Black Country Bears (4pm) to give them their first National Basketball League Division One victory of the season. Wolves lost their opening league match at Westminster by a single point but are

  • Top seeds suffer shock setbacks

    THERE were some shock results when the Worcestershire County Junior Table Tennis Championships were held at Christopher Whitehead High School. Fifty-five juniors took part -- 42 boys and 13 girls from the Worcester, Malvern, Kidderminster, Evesham, Dudley

  • 20/11/02 - Smith deal looks dead

    ROD Brown's pursuit of Gresley striker Gary Smith looks to have ended in disappointment despite the former St Kitts and Nevis international making positive noises about a move last week. The Redditch manager arranged to call the former Worcester and Halesowen

  • Allstars sneak up at top

    BULL Allstars moved to within a point of leaders Talbot Head in the Soccer Site Malvern League following a 4-1 away victory over another title contender Club AC 30. Jamie James bagged a hat-trick with Paul James getting the other for Bull, Aron Parr netting

  • Stout - 'Break losing streak'

    BROMSGROVE RFC First XV coach David Stout is calling for a marked improvement from his side ahead of their crunch game with Luctonians at Finstall Park this Saturday. Bromsgrove's 36-15 defeat at Midlands One league leaders Longton last Saturday was their

  • 10 offers of homes

    REDDITCH Council has received 10 offers of new homes for a German Shepherd dog abandoned outside Tesco in Oakenshaw two weeks ago. But the dog, believed to be about two years old, cannot yet be re-housed as she is in a temperamental and distressed state

  • Festive fun starts here

    A MUSICAL adaptation of Charles Dickens's classic festive tale stops off in Birmingham next week as part of a UK tour. A Christmas Carol, starring Roy Marsden as Scrooge, runs at the Alexandra Theatre from Tuesday, November 26, until Saturday, November

  • Ballet tale's magic touch is flying high

    A MAGIC Circle magician was specially recruited to devise tricks and illusions for Birmingham Royal Ballet's forthcoming production The Nutcracker. The show, which runs at Birmingham Hippodrome from Thursday, November 28, until December 14, also features

  • Gripping tale of betrayal

    TWO former Casualty stars appear in a gripping Arthur Miller drama at Malvern Theatres next month. Robert Gwilym and Sorcha Cusack star in A View from the Bridge, which is being staged at Festival Theatre from Monday, December 2, until Saturday, December

  • It's lift-off for Vest's festival

    A MUSIC festival at the Greig Centre looks set to rock Alcester. Devil horns will be pointing to the centre on Saturday, November 30, after town band Vest organised the festival and will be playing along with 11 other bands. Vest have been together just

  • Drivers in chaos as chiefs quarrel

    HIGHWAY chiefs have warned drivers they face further disruption when a busy Redditch road is closed for the second time in two months. Redditch highways manager Jim Casey claimed an arrangement with Severn Trent to carry out two separate works at the

  • Recycling overhaul

    DECISIONS will be made next week on a major overhaul of town bin collections which will see the introduction of separate boxes for recyclables, the Advertiser can reveal. The council has been working for six months on the initiative, which could see residents

  • Boars lose at table toppers

    AN injury ravaged Bromsgrove RFC First XV became the latest team to lose to Midlands One leaders Longton after a 36-15 defeat. David Stout's side travelled more in hope than expectation to the home of the unbeaten league leaders, who have now won all